Chapter 34 - Unwelcomed Surprises

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I don't own Naruto and I never have, probably never will. Can never tell for sure though.


Chapter 34: Unwelcomed Surprises.

Jiraiya and Naruto stood in front of the opening to the underground hideout of the Yoinokuchi, and they both seemed happy to have returned. "This is it, were home" Naruto sighed as they stood in front of the entrance to the underground hideout built into the side of a cliff.

Jiraiya stood there for a moment then opened his mouth before shutting it again. Naruto saw this and gave him a quizzical look which Jiraiya saw. "Well, I was just realizing... we don't have any windows, that means we have to use the main entrance" the Toad Sage joked.

Naruto's confusion turned into a look of mock horror as he took in what his sensei was saying. "Well, I guess our irrational dislike of doors has to come to an end, for now at least" the blond said.

"Well it was good while it lasted" Jiraiya said wiping a fake tear from his eyes.

Inside the hideout the Yoinokuchi members were sitting around relaxing when the door opened and Jiraiya walked in, with Naruto trailing behind. "Hey guys, we're back" Naruto said with a friendly wave.

Itachi gave a small smile as he observed the complete silence that seemed to envelop the room. "What not happy to see us?" Naruto asked with a mock hurt expression.

It was Akimi who came to her senses first jumping out of her seat before rushing over to hug Naruto. That seemed to spark everyone into life again and all the members of the group went over to greet there long absent companions.

Fuu was kicking herself for not reacting faster than Akimi and was now glaring at her rival as she still hadn't broken the hug. "Ahem, I think other people would like to welcome Naruto back as well Akimi" she eventually said through gritted teeth although with a surprisingly warm smile.

The swift release user then realized just where she was and broke the hug blushing ferociously at the fact that she had just been hugging her longtime crush who she still hadn't confessed to in front of everyone. "Ah sorry, I was just happy to see them again" Akimi said defensively.

"I'm sure you were, but so are we" Fuu replied coolly.

There was an awkward silence for a few moments but it was broken by Naruto. Wow, you guys have all changed. Gaara, your not a short anymore" Naruto said shaking the stoic former Suna ninja's hand.

Gaara couldn't help but smile, Naruto just seemed to always be able to push the right buttons that made him loosen up. "It's good to see you again Naruto, you look much stronger than when you left"

Stronger was not the way either Fuu or Akimi would have described the new Naruto. In fact they were both already running through possible ways of confessing their feeling for him, so they could have the blond all to themselves.

Naruto went around the group marveling at how they had changed and they would comment on the changes to Naruto. Until finally all that was left were the two kunoichi who had been waiting to talk to him for three years. "Wow look at you two. You both look amazing!" Naruto complimented.

A small blush formed on both of their cheeks at this comment. "You look good yourself" Fuu said. Her heart was racing just from the smile Naruto offered upon the compliment. Fuu knew she still may not know if it was love, but she certainly knew she was feeling lust.

"I want to fight you!" Akimi blurted out drawing Naruto's attention onto her, she didn't even know why she said it, but was proud of the results.

Naruto did a double take, and then beamed at the swift release kunoichi. "You haven't changed a bit, oh it is good to be home. You want to fight me? Then fine, I did promise you a match when I returned after all"

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