Chapter 46 - Fallout

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I don't own Naruto and I never have, probably never will. Can never tell for sure though.


Chapter 46: Fallout

Kumogakure, the Village Hidden in the Clouds was in an uproar. All over the village ninja patrolled looking for any sign of the ninja who infiltrated their village and stole some of their most valuable possessions.

While the ninja searched for any trace of the Yoinokuchi, the Raikage was in his office with his advisers along with the other ninja who encountered the invading robbers. "Is there still no sign of them?" A fumed as he impatiently waited for news.

"None as of yet, but by this time they could be at the other side of the Land of lightning, and we are still waiting for Mifune's response to letting our hunter and tracking ninja enter the country" Shee said with a bow.

"Well what do we know about them, surely we could come up with some sort of clue as to where they would be hiding"

"Well, I faced off against Akaru Hayaku, former Kumo elite jounin. But he had back up... I didn't see her face but she used Ice Releases" Darui sighed.

"Hyoton? The only people we have on record of using that are the Yuki clan from Kiri, but they are all but extinct" Yugito said. The Nibi jinchuuriki was alive but she was still injured from her fight with Naruto. Although if you asked her she would say her pride was hurt more than anything else.

"Well I heard that the inhabitants of the Land of Spring use to be able to be use Ice Release but I think that they needed to have the ice there already and couldn't create there own" the Raikage's Assistant added.

"Well this one certainly created ice out of thin air so it would have to be a Yuki" Darui informed the group.

"Hm so we have a former Kumo ninja and a runaway from the bloodline purges... What about the others?" A asked.

"The reports from the Anbu squad members that survived said that the thief that stole the the Amber Purifying Pot, was a teenage boy with a thin build, dark red hair and green eyes" Shee said reading out from a scroll.

"Anything else? Sure we have an appearance, but what about his skills, anything that can tell us where he came from" an elder asked.

"Uh yes, it says that he used sand. His main form of offense and defense was to manipulate sand that he carried around in a gourd on his back... there is only one missing ninja in all the bingo books that matches his profile... Gaara Subaku, son of the Yondaime Kazekage and jinchuuriki of the ichibi" Shee said.

"Anyone else see anything?" A asked.

"Yes Raikage-sama, my team saw Akaru Hayaku's sister Akimi steal one of the tools before she disappeared like the others" Samui said with a respectful bow.

"There are no reports from the other teams, they are either dead or were knocked unconscious without witnessing there attackers. One team were nowhere to be found the only living things we found in the area were four toads that were released into the wild" Shee continued.

"So we have ninja from three villages. And the son of a former Kage... their villages should be informed of this immediately" A said.

"We should also demand action be taken against this group of ninja... they stole valuable artifacts from Kumo" Yugito suggested.

"Out of the question, we do that and the other villages will see it as a sign of weakness, we will inform the other villages that the ninja that attacked us are now wanted criminals in the Land of Lightning but we will not let them know of the crimes they committed in Kumo" one of the elders said authoritatively.

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