Chapter 40 - Farewell Kiri

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I don't own Naruto and I never have, probably never will. Can never tell for sure though.


Chapter 40: Farewell Kiri

"Should we head back to the dance now?" Naruto asked.

"Do we have to, can't we just stay here for awhile longer" Akimi replied.

The two shinobi were lying on a roof overlooking the Hidden Mist village, they were wrapped so closely together that most of the young kunoichi's weight was on the blond, not that he cared in the slightest, in fact he was enjoying her warmth against the cool night air.

Naruto sighed and looked up into the sky. "But don't you want to go back and dance? You spent most of the night just watching" he said before turning his face down slightly to look at the speedy kunoichi.

"Well the person I wanted to dance with was preoccupied" she said with fake venom. "And now I don't need to dance with you, because we are here together and that's what I really wanted" she added, resting her head over his heart so she could feel it beating.

"Your plan was to dance with me to get me to come up to this high building?" Naruto said playing dumb.

"You know what I mean, I'm not explaining it" she huffed giving the blond a dirty look to which he just laughed it off.

"Fine, we can stay here for a little longer. But, won't the others get worried and come look for us?" Naruto asked.

"Oh well, that's their problem. Besides why would they be worried about you, we both know that you can handle yourself" Akimi answered.

(Unknown Location)

Ten figures stood on the fingers of a large statue of a man with a pained expression on it's face and a cloth covering its eyes below them stood another man wearing an orange mask, looked up at the figures but they showed no interest in him at all.

"Any sightings of the jinchuuriki?" the figure of a man with purple rippling eyes said.

"Yes, Pein-sama. There have been several sightings of the Ichibi and Nanabi within the Land of Fire. Although they are unconfirmed and we are positive that they are not staying within Konoha" A tall plant like man with two different voices answered.

"What have you been told Zetsu!" the man called Pein replied.

"The Ichibi jinchuuriki has often been seen taking care of bandit problems and involved in the capture or deaths of various missing ninja in the area of the Land of Fire and surrounding countries. He is also accompanied by a female member of the now all but extinct Yuki clan, formally from the Land of Water. The Nanabi Jinchuuriki has been seen far less often and never outside of the Land of Fire. However she if often seen with Zabuza Momoichi who we should consider in any attempt to capture her" Zetsu answered.

"Zabuza huh? Maybe we should go take a trip to the Land of Fire, I wouldn't mind seeing Momoichi again" Kisame said giving a very shark like grin.

"The Nanabi is not our target, we are assigned to capture the Kyuubi and Hachibi, or have you forgotten that Kisame?" Hiruko said a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.

"We have been looking for the Kyuubi for three years! He probably died when he was taken from Konoha as a kid" Kisame said.

"Tobi doesn't think Kyuubi child is dead... Tobi thinks he will be alive and strong, he must be to have stayed hidden for so long. In any case Tobi doesn't want to have to fight him" the man at the base of the statue with an orange mask that spiraled out from it's one open eye hole said.

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