Chapter 60 - The Underground Complex

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I don't own Naruto and I never have, probably never will. Can never tell for sure though.


Chapter 60: The Underground Complex

"Kami we have been searching for fucking hours. Why can't we find anything in this damn forest!" Zabuza yelled angrily. Normally the Demon of the Bloody Mist was a relatively calm person, but there are only so many tree's you can inspect and rocks you can turn over before even the most carefree and relaxed person looses his cool.

Early that morning, before the sun had even risen, Zabuza and Fuu left the sea side home of Tazuna, Tsunami, and Inari and made their way through the village out to the forest that spread to the north within the the small island country of the Land of Waves. It was now fast approaching midday and the Yoinokuchi pair had yet to find any traces of the group Tazuna had told Zabuza about.

"I know, I swear that the where ever these guys are hiding they better be hidden well, because if we have wasted all this time searching just for it to be some shack in the middle of the forest I am going to be pissed" Fuu added tapping on a tree to see if it was fake or held any clues.

They continued gaining nothing but frustration for another half an hour before Zabuza 'accidentally' put his fist right through a tree. "This is insane! We aren't getting anywhere like this!" he roared in anger.

The tree that Zabuza attacked began to crack and fall until it hit the ground and gave off the unmistakable sound of a heavy object hitting hollow steel. "What was that!" Fuu asked.

"Looks like I found them" Zabuza said happily.

"Well I think it's more like the tree found them" Fuu said as she went to inspect the area where the tree had fallen. "Here! It's an underground bunker of something, they disguised it as the floor of the forest" Fuu said pulling away the leaves and foliage that covered two large metal doors.

"Well then let's go in and say hi, if this is where the children were taken to we deal with who ever is inside!" Zabuza said proudly grabbing the giant cleaver from his back and slicing through the door to grant them access into a long dark underground tunnel. "And here I was hoping for a welcoming committee, but there is definitely people in here, I can feel their chakra signatures" Zabuza said calmly as he stepped inside.

The moment Zabuza's foot hit the floor in the tunnel the lights came on illuminating the cold steel walls and highlighting the immensity of the complex they had just set foot into. "I have a feeling that who ever is running this place has been here for a long time" Fuu said, in awe of the complexes size as she entered behind the swordsman from Kiri.

As they entered further into the underground hideout the light which had come on as they entered seemed to follow their movements, only lighting a room once they entered and instantly going out when they left. It was convenient although a tiny bit unnerving for the pair. "Still no sign of life, but there is definitely people here, I can tell" Zabuza said.

"I am too, I can tell that they have been here recently as well" Fuu replied.

"Keep your guard up. I am willing to bet our entire pay for this job that the sensors that work these lights also give away our positions. If it was me, I would be setting up a trap for us to stumble into" Zabuza said as they walked still deeper underground.

They turned a corner to light up a new passageway that seemed to stretch on for an age so much so that the light that illuminated even the largest of rooms did not travel to the end. However in the distance they saw a sliver of light, a room that had it's lights on already. "Looks like we may have found something!" Zabuza said removing his large cleaver from his back and taking off with Fuu not far behind.

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