Chapter 33 - The Pit Stop Going Home

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I don't own Naruto and I never have, probably never will. Can never tell for sure though.


Chapter 33: The Pit Stop Going Home

In an old abandoned cabin out in the middle of one of the darkest woods in the elemental nations several bandits and missing ninja sat together around a table. Suddenly the door burst open and a group of about five more missing ninja burst through the door, terror was etched on their faces and they were breathing uncontrollably.

"What the hell is this? Why are you all back here already? And where is everyone else?" the leader said angrily.

"They are dead. We attacked the caravan like you asked but there were two ninja with them" a bandit said.

"So what, you had ten ninja with you, what happened to them?" the leader asked.

"The smaller one wiped them all out with a single jutsu" the bandit replied.

The leader of the bandit group became more interested in there story now "Ten well organized ninja with a single jutsu? You can't be serious. What type of jutsu was it?"

"A Fuuton jutsu I think, it's hard to tell because he didn't use any hand seals, didn't even say anything. He just held his arms out and everyone seemed to drop to the ground with deep cuts all over their bodies" the bandit explained.

"A jutsu like that without hand seals or even speaking the name of the jutsu, only the best of the best can do something like that" the leader mused. He paused for a moment before continuing. "What did they look like?"

"Well they both wore long white cloaks but I could see their faces. The taller one had long white hair tied back in a ponytail and red markings under his eyes. He also wore a large metal forehead protector with two horns on it... but it was the smaller one who did all the damage, I will never forget his face. Expressionless purple eyes with circles extending out leaving no scrlea at all, long spiky blond hair down to his shoulders that was tied back like the taller one" the man said.

The leader of the group seemed to be contemplating what his subordinate was saying but it was another mam sitting in a corner of the room that spoke up first. "I have heard the description of the shorter one before. There have been rumors about a young ninja that is incredibly powerful. For the last six months he has been taking on jobs that nobody else would dream of doing solo. He is some celebrity in the former Land of Snow. Apparently he somehow ended the constant winter and made that actress from those princess gale movies the ruler"

"Well where does he come from? A ninja like that doesn't just appear out of thin air!" the leader said.

"Nobody knows he has no village affiliation that I am aware of" the man replied.

The leader of the bandits became irritated at this. "Does this ninja have a name, I would like to at least know the identity of the person I have to kill for disrespecting us"

"The people said his name was Nar-" the man in the corner began but was cut off by a loud bell like screech from outside.

"What the hell is that!" one of the bandits yelled holding his ears.

The bandit leader made his way outside only to find himself face to face with the very blond his men described holding above his head a large rotating disk of chakra.

"You must be the people who attacked the trade caravan" Naruto said flatly.

"And you're the one who is going to die for killing my men" the leader said angrily.

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