Chapter 55 - Akatsuki VS Konoha

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I don't own Naruto and I never have, probably never will. Can never tell for sure though.


Chapter 55: Akatsuki Vs Konoha

"Kakuzu, Hidan! Why have you called us here!" Pein asked his annoyance for being summoned to the Gedo Mezo without the capture of a jinchuuriki was clearly evident.

"Yeah, we thought you would of at least had a jinchuuriki, Tobi is very upset, maybe we should take over their targets" the masked Akatsuki member said childishly.

"We have information regarding the three jinchuuriki in the Land of Fire! Information that will help capture at least two of them" Kakuzu declared.

"Really? What could you possibly know that would help us with our targets?" Hiruko asked skeptically.

"I know where the Nanabi and Ichibi usually work. The Ichibi likes operates in the dryer areas of the Land of Fire to the west just off the border. The Nanabi on the other hand operates in the coastal areas of the county with Zabuza Momoichi" Kakuzu explained.

"And what about the Kyuubi?" Kisame asked.

"No idea on where he is going to be, but we have been given a warning that to go up against the Kyuubi jinchuuriki is suicide" Hidan explained with an ironic smile.

"Sounds like he is tough, Tobi is sure glad not to have to fight against him" the masked ninja said happily.

"Maybe we could trade then, I wouldn't mind crossing blades with Zabuza. And suicide isn't really an issue for you two is it" Kisame said with a very shark like smile.

"The Kyuubi is not your target Kisame, he is mine! don't go offering up my target like you have that option" Hiruko snapped in anger.

"Gah, fine. But if those two fuck up we are going after the Nanabi ourselves" Kisame replied.

"That seems to be acceptable" Pein cut in.

"Uh Kakuzuare you and Hidan currently in a secure location?" Zetsu asked.

"We are in a hotel at a Bounty office" the former Taki ninja replied.

"Then it seems you have some company fast approachingI can feel them through the telapathic projection linkThree ninja with large chakra supplies, at least jounin level" Zetsu informed the pair who were sitting inside a large room each sitting on a separate bed.

"Deal with them, the rest of you continue your search for the Jinchuuriki, and do not call us back here unless you have captured a jinchuuriki" Pein said before fading away.

Hidan and Kakuzu stood up from where they were seated and looked to the door. "Do you think that those three ninja are looking for us?" Hidan asked offhandedly not worried in the slightest that there were three jounin level ninja outside.

Before Kakuzu could ask however a huge spike of wood shot through the wall blasting a massive hole in the room.

The wood retreated from the room which shocked the pair further. "What the fuck was that!" Hidan yelled.

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