Chapter 20 - Searching For Seven

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I don't own Naruto and I never have, probably never will. Can never tell for sure though.


Chapter 20: Searching for Seven

Naruto and Jiraiya made there way though the long dark tunnel that closed behind them as they walked. After about one hundred meters the path began to rise on a slope.

"Hey Gaki, why are we going up?" Jiraiya asked.

"I don't want to risk coming out right in front of a bunch of Taki ninja or anyone for that matter. So I am heading up, I'm also reversing the gravity behind us so that nobody finds the tunnel by accident. When we need to get out I'll make another one" Naruto said.

"Good job Naruto, you are using your brain, you have improved so much since we first started your training" Jiraiya said.

Then something clicked in Naruto's head. "You didn't forget the way in at all did you!" Naruto asked.

"You think that I would forget something like the hidden entrance to the Waterfall village? I just wanted to see if you could use your head to solve the problem, and as you pointed out earlier, we are far less likely to be seen entering the village and have Taki's shinobi aware of our presence this way. If we don't have to go though the proper entrance procedure we will have a far easier time getting what we need from the villagers as we wont have an escort that is always given to foreign ninja" Jiraiya explained.

"So let me guess we are going to saw that we are traveling writers again?" Naruto sighed.

"Can you think of a better cover? People tell writers things, things that they normally wouldn't tell strangers" Jiraiya said.

"I guess you are right, but this time I am not being your assistant" Naruto stated.

"Alright understudy it is" Jiraiya said happily.

Naruto stifled his anger and just kept using his jutsu to continue there tunnel. About a minute later they came out into a massive clearing with a large drop down. Water was flowing straight down about two arms lengths out from there current location.

"Perfect, we are hidden behind this waterfall, it should hide our decent down to the outskirts of the village perfectly" Naruto said.

"Yes, a perfect infiltration spot. Good job gaki" Jiraiya said patting the blond on the shoulder.

The two ninja jumped from there tunnel and fell to the base of the waterfall as the tunnel closed behind them. Once they made it to the other side Naruto had a good look around. For the most part the area was full of trees although it seemed to be far greener and no way near as dry as Konoha, with water running in all directions around the village separating sections of the village with canals. Right in the center of the village was a massive tree that rose high over all of the buildings and added a natural defense to the village making it impossible to see from above.

"Well let's get to work. Remember not to directly ask for what we are looking for. We will get more information from people who actually know something if we ask questions indirectly" Jiraiya said.

"I know sensei, let's just get to work" Naruto said and the pair headed off walking into the village.

(Elsewhere in Taki)

High up in the tree in the center of the village sat a twelve year old, mint green haired kunoichi. She had tucked her knees into her chest and was struggling to hold back tears as they threatened to escape from her bright orange eyes. She wore a white tank top that showed off a good portion of her stomach, fishnet shorts with a short white mini skirt over the top. On her arm was a Taki forehead protector.

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