Chapter 1

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Chaeyoung's POV

Friday morning.

I was on my way to school when someone approached me. She's a bit familiar but I can't remember where did I saw her. 

She smiled and I did the same.

"Hey Chaeyoung! It's good to see you again." She greeted cheerfully.

Yeah. I was absent for almost three weeks. 

She walked closer and I grab the chance to examine her face.

Bingo! She's one of my classmates in that one subject.

What was her name? Miso? Ah! I forgot.

"You don't know me, do you?" She said as if reading what's on my mind.

I wasn't able to recognize her right away. 

I smiled and laugh awkwardly. 

"Not good at memorizing names, but I do recognize your face, I'm Chaeyoung incase you're also not good at memorizing names" I joked and she just nodded.

Am i that bad at throwing jokes?

"Yeah, I know your name. I'm Somi." She smiled again.

"Nice meeting you then, I'll go ahead. See you around." I said and waved her my goodbye.

It's like a weird interaction. That was actually the first time we talked. As far as I can remember, she's a bit distant to her classmates that's why I cannot recognize her right away. She also change her style when it comes to her appearance.


First subject is done. 

I'm a college student, taking up Fine Arts. Eversince I was a kid, I'm really into arts. So, I chose this path. It's a bit difficult but it's my dream.

There's no easy way in everything.

I stopped walking when a familiar place inside the campus caught my eye. I smiled sadly.


Instead of going to my next subject, my feet started walking on its own towards the place where it all started.

Every step, my heart is breaking into pieces.

As I walk closer, my tears began to fall.

Why does a one hurtful memory can defeat a thousands of good one?

I sat under the tree, extending my hand on the vacant space beside me. The trees are still the same, there are still flowers everywhere. The only missing is the most important one.


She was the reason why I wasn't able to come to school. 

Three weeks ago, I found myself looking for her everywhere, reaching her, asking her friends.. but I didn't get any answers.

She just left. Leaving every memories, every promises we had. I am not angry, maybe there was something wrong? I couldn't get angry. I love her.

After three weeks, I realized that I shouldn't drown myself from the loneliness so I decided to attend my classes again.

I am confident that she loves me and that she'll come back for me.

My bestfriend is against the idea of me waiting for Mina, Dahyun told me to move on and stop waiting. But I cant.

Waiting for her is the only thing that will keep me on going forward.

Dahyun scolded me a lot of times but I know that she's just doing it for me not to get hurt too much. I understand her. But then,

We can't set an alarm on when to move on. It cannot be planned. It will just happen if it's meant to happen.

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