Chapter 5

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Chaeyoung's POV

“Ya! I told you to move on, right? Why can’t you understand that Mina doesn’t want you anymore! Come on----” I cut her off.

“She doesn’t want me because she loves me” I said and smiled at her.

I know she loves me. There’s a reason why she had to leave me without asking for my permission.

I'll be holding on for that reason.

"Stop kidding yourself. You saw her with somebody else a while ago. And you still believe she loves you?" Dahyun scoffed and I looked at her.

This holy shirt.

"Chaeyoung, I know you can't move on right away, but please try. Look at yourself! You've been crying since Mina left. You're drowning yourself from thinking if there's something wrong with you that could be the reason why Mina can't tell you any reason. 

Instead of questioning her why she's with someone else, you ran and hugged her! Gosh Cheyoung! Love yourself more." Dahyun irritatingly said. 

"Why are you like that.. Mina is your friend too.." I said and looked at her.

"You know she's been keeping things to herself even before, you know she looks strong but actually fragile. You saw how much she loves me.. We have been together for 4 years, and you are one of those few people who celebrates with us in monthsaries and anniversaries and yet you're doubting Mina? If you can't understand her, please just understand me." I said trying to hold back my tears.

It's the first time I actually talked like that to Dahyun.

I'm always calm. But when it comes to Mina, even if it's someone mighty, I won't let them talk bad about her.

Of all the people except for her parents, I'm someone who understands her the best.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt. " Dahyun just answered.

"If I get hurt, I will still be thankful. She's someone I love and I'm willing to be hurt if loving her means taking all kinds of pain." I answered confidently.

You can't just believe that loving someone is painless.

That's a bluff.


I went home after Dahyun and I talked. She said sorry and we reconciled quickly. I've been tired these past few days, I haven't slept peacefully for a month now. I've been eating processed foods except for lunch because Somi has a lot of food and she's lending me some.

I opened the TV while cooking some noodles. Someone knocked on my door and when I checked the security camera, It's Tzuyu.

A miracle.

She isn't the type of person to go outside at this hour. I opened the door and I saw a poker faced Tzuyu.

She immediately went inside even before I invited her.

This brat. 

We're the same age, she's just younger for a few months.

"What brought you here, Tzuyu?" I asked as I give her water.

"I'll sleep here. There's  a lot of dirty scenes happening in my condo." Tzuyu answered while taking out the things in the plastic bag she brought which I think is food.

"Stop eating unhealthy foods. Here, Eat some normal foods." 

"Wait what kind of dirty things are you talking about?" I asked laughing.

Does she mean Sana and Dahyun doing something?

Those two keeps on bugging Tzuyu's condo everytime they are together.

"Kinda." She said and focused on the TV.

"That's your unit, why do you have to go?" I asked.

It's the first time she let those two take over her unit.

"Nothing. I might become a murderer if I stay with them" she said in a serious tone. I just laugh.

"You laugh as if you're happy. I heard what happened a while ago." Tzuyu looked at me for a moment.

I smiled.

We started eating and the taste of the  foods are kind of familiar. I stared at Tzuyu.

"Ya, Tzuyu! Where did you get this food?" I asked her.

She stopped eating for a while to answer.

"From Somi, your suitor" she said unbothered of my expression.

Suitor, what?

"What?" I asked again.

"Somi, she's  a good cook." She said still eating. "I saw her outside your unit, she's holding paper bags and she said to give it to you. I invited her inside but she said NO."

Tzuyu knows Somi since they are also classmates in some subjects.

"And you accepted it?" I asked unbelievably. 

"It's food. We can't waste foods." Tzuyu said. " Are you done? I'll finish it off" she ate the foods in my plate.

Unbelievable. Tzuyu can easily be killed if there's a poison in this food.

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