Chapter 8

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Chaeyoung, I'll be in the north building. It's where my first subject is. Attend your classes and don't dare to skip, okay?" Tzuyu said and waved me goodbye.

We came to school together since she's still living with me.

I sighed.

If only Tzuyu did not blackmailed me that she'd call Jihyo, I'm still at my unit right now.

It's not that I'm afraid of Jihyo, It's just that she has a loud voice and she'll be nagging unstoppable. My eardrums will bleed.

So I ended up going to school.

I was standing near the school gate when somebody called my name. 

"Chaeyoung!" I turned my head to face the one who called me.

I swallowed hard.

It was Mina's friends. 

Nami and Nana.

Mina's with them.

"You're looking for Mina before right? She's already here!" Nami said, her friend and classmate.

I was about to get close to Mina but she stared at me like telling me to remember what she said.

"Pretend that you don't know me if you still wanna see me"

I remained where I am standing while looking at them.

"Hi Mina, long time no see. I'm Chaeyoung" I said staring at her. 

She just looked at me for a while. 

Mina's friends laughed telling me that I'm really funny.

Yeah it's really funny. Damn. 

"You've been bestfriends for years and you're introducing yourself again?" Nana said. 

I just gave them a smile.

"Come with us Chaeyoung, let's go grab some breakfast." They invited me.

Mina just stared at me like telling me not to accept the invitation.

"Come on" Nami grabbed my wrist so I could go with them, but someone grabbed my other wrist.

It's Jeon Somi.

"We have class. Let go." Somi said while staring at Nami who's holding my wrist.

"Chaeyoung will go with us. She needs to catch up with Mina. They're bestfriends." Nana explained and Nami nodded. 

I looked at Mina. She mouthed NO.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a bit. Somi spoke before I could. 

"I'm sorry but we do have a class. We'll be late." Somi said and she smiled.

Mina's friend still did not let go of my wrist, so Somi came in between us and remove my wrist from being gripped.

She quickly held my hand and guided me away from them.

"Ya, We're not even classmates on the first subject." I said not looking at her.

Somi let go of my hand and just smiled.

"I know, but you looked like uncomfortable. I just did you a favor." She said.

Right, it was so uncomfortable for me.

Just looking at Mina, unable to touch her like I used to even when I'm with her friends.

They only knew that we're bestfriends.

It's good to see her again going to school. She looked happy tho.

I should also be happy but I'm hurt that she can be happy without me.

I wanted to ask her how to do it..

Her, Being happy without me.

"Yeah, thanks." I said and gave Somi a genuine smile.


It's lunch time and Somi invited me again to have lunch with her. We are at the school cafeteria. 

Mina and her friends sat in the next table infront of us.

They're looking at me but Mina whispered something to them, and they continued eating.

I was about to eat when someone grabbed my spoon and put the food in her mouth.

Tzuyu. This brat really. 

"Yummy." She said after swallowing the food.

"Hey Somi" Tzuyu greeted and they did some hi-five. 

Are they close?

"What are you doing here?" I asked but my question got answered when she began eating.

Ah. For the food.

"Let's eat." Tzuyu said.

I looked at the table where Mina and her friends are seated. 

"Somi, can you move a little bit unto that side" Tzuyu said.

"Here?" Somi said and Tzuyu nodded.

Somi is blocking the space where I can view Mina. 


I glared at Tzuyu but she did not looked at my direction.

"Look at your food and focus on it. Stop looking at someone who won't look back at you" she said, feeding me a spoonful of food.

I almost spit it out since it's a lot but Tzuyu gave me a cold stare so I did my best to swallow all of it.

She hates it when food is being wasted.

"Ya, feed her too." Tzuyu commanded Somi and Somi got choked.

"Tzuyu!" I said but she just laughed.

"I was kidding." She said and finished her food.

"By the way Somi, how did you learn to cook? It's really delicious." Tzuyu started a conversation. 

"My mother taught me. She's a chef." she answered. 

"Then, do you have a boyfriend? He'll be really lucky." Tzuyu said and I frowned. 

She's asking personal questions. 

"None. Not interested" she still answered. 

"How about a girlfriend?" she asked directly and Somi started coughing. 

"Ya. Tzuyu, stop it. You're making her uncomfortable." I said frowning at Tzuyu but she just smiled. 

"Hmm.. if I'm making her uncomfortable. You answer then, do you have?" she said smirking. 

This tall brat. 

"Shut up." I said coldly but she started laughing. 

What's wrong with this holy shirt. 

"I'll go ahead, bye!" she said and quickly walked out from the cafeteria. 

I looked at Somi but she's also staring at me. 

It became awkward. 

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