Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Jeongyeon's POV

"Mina, don't." I said as I held Mina's wrist. 

She was about to follow Chaeyoung. 

"All Chaeyoung's sacrifices will be wasted. All your sacrifices too. If you go after her, everything will be wasted." I said. 

It was the right thing to happen. If they will stay with each other, it will just complicate things. 

"But.." Mina looked at me. 

I pulled her into a hug. 

"Just do your medication. I know it will take months or even years, but you need to do it if you still want to be with Chaeyoung." I whispered. 

"How about you.." Mina uttered. 

Yeah, how about me? 

I chuckled. 

"Of Course I'll be hurt but I'll be okay. You were never mine in the first place." I said. 

I already accepted that fact.

"Trust Chaeyoung's love." I comforted Mina. 

I guided Mina to her room. She's still tearing up. 

But she needs to do this. 

They need to be like this first. 


Chaeyoung's POV

"Are you sure about this? I mean, yeah.. You sure?" Tzuyu looked at me while I'm signing up for the online program the University offered. 

It's so expensive. 

"Dad agreed. I already got his permission. Mom told me" I said still signing up the informations needed. 

My relationship with Dad is still the same. He never asked why do I need to apply for Online Program. 

I'm glad he never asked.

"Hmm. It won't affect your studies right? You know it's online. It might cause your grades to drop" Tzuyu said again. 

Tzuyu went back in my condo yesterday. 

"It won't. I'm tired going to the University everyday. I wanted to try this program. Let's see if why is it so expensive" I reasoned out. 

I know Tzuyu won't buy my reason. She knows that it's because of Mina but she just sighed and said Okay. 

"By the way Chaeng, the Art exhibit is in the next two weeks. You need to attend." Tzuyu reminded me. 

Yeah. It's one of the University's event. All Arts Student needs to attend and present their artworks. 

They can also sell their works for the price they wanted. 

"Ah. Yeah. I haven't thought of any art yet." I answered Tzuyu. 

"You still have time, besides.. You'll be staying at home from now on." She said. 

"I invited Somi over, I need to eat good food today." She said. 

"Okay." I said and submitted my application for the online program. 

I was absent for 2 days. 

I know I already said I can't be absent again, but I had a fever that's why. 

I haven't seen Somi since then. Dahyun too. 

Tho Dahyun always sends me messages. 

Just her not so funny jokes. 

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