Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


I don't have class today and I planned to spend my whole day slacking off. 

Tzuyu went home to visit her parents and her dogs. 

She loves animals than humans. 

I'm alone and I'm glad. 

Somi invited me to go with them, with her family, including Dad. 

They're going to go on a camping. Healing, that's what she said. 

I refused. It's their time as a family, besides, I don't feel like doing anything except buying groceries.

I took a bath and change my clothes so I could start doing grocery. 

I went out and found Jeongyeon outside. 

It's been a while. 

"Hey, how's your ankle?" I said. 

That was supposed to be a joke but Jeongyeon avoided my gaze. 

"Sorry. What brought you here? I need to go somewhere." I said looking at her. 

"Can we talk?" She asked and I nodded. 

"Look Chaeyoung, I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry.." She said not looking at my eyes. 

I tilted my head. 

"Why? Did you hurt Mina?" I asked and she quickly looked up to meet my eyes. 

She shook her head. 

"Then don't say sorry. You did not do anything wrong. You just love her, she chose you. What's wrong with that?" I said. 

"Aren't you…angry?" Jeongyeon asked surprised.

Yeah. I really don't know why I am not angry. 

Disappointment is more accurate. 

"Why would I?" I asked back and I think I pissed her off. 

It shows on her face. 

"Are you trying to make us feel more guilty?" She said but I chuckled. 

"It's not my problem if you feel guilty Jeongyeon. That's your problem to deal with. Now, if you still value this friendship. Compose yourself, take care of Mina and we'll be good." I said and turned my back from her. 

"She loves you.." Jeongyeon said and it made me stopped. 

"I know." I paused. 

I know Mina loves me. The way she looked at me. The way she acts when she's with me. 

"But then, that's more painful to accept. She loves me but she chose you. She loves me but that wasn't enough to make her stay with me." I added and looked at her. 

"Don't worry, I don't have plans on doing what you guys did to me. Mina isn't a rope that I'll try pulling back to me when I know she's already with someone else." I paused. 

"It's like a tug of war. 1 vs. 8. I was the only one trying to pull so I could win against you guys on the other side. No matter where you looked at it. I'll lose. " I smiled at her. 

She seems like she wanted to tell me something, but she choose to shut up. 

I walked away, leaving her.


I sighed when I looked at the things in my cart. 

They're all noodles, processed foods. Though there are milks and eggs. 

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