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Love isn't just a wonderful thing. It's also a dangerous feeling that if we cannot control, it causes a lot of damage. 

I read a passage in the Bible which describes what a perfect love is. 

It says that.. 

Love is patient. 

At that point, many failed. 

Love is kind. 

Some also failed. 

Love does not boast. It is not proud. 


Love is not jealous. 

Well, all failed. 

I realized that the reason why there's a lot of imperfect relationship is because we cannot follow what requires a perfect love. 

"Mina, I know this is too sudden and you're surprised why am I kneeling in front of you with the people who loves us both." I said when I saw how Mina's face got confused. 

Her parents are here, my Mom is here, our friends are here also. 

Well, Jeongyeon isn't here. 

The distance between us is too far, So I needed to shout in order for Mina to hear me. 

Even though I know that she can now manage her anxiety, I'm still being careful. 

"You aren't the most beautiful girl in every people's eyes but you are the most beautiful woman I ever laid my eyes on. 

You aren't the sweetest, but your love always makes me think you are. 

You aren't the best girlfriend but I love you for who you are. 

We didn't have the perfect relationship but we were happy." I said smiling. 

I looked like a fool right now, kneeling while shouting. 

How did I end up here? 

It's when I learned that after graduation Mina will leave the country to continue her medication. 

Jeongyeon told me that's why I rush to get here. I called everyone. 

I also asked Jeongyeon's permission about what I'm planning to do, she agreed but she said sorry that she won't be able to witness it. 

I felt bad but she said it's okay. 

Even until now, I still looked up to Jeongyeon. She's the best. 

I am not against the idea of Mina leaving the country, that's a good decision since her recovery will be fast. 

But I can't just let her leave. 

"Mina, I cannot promise you a relationship without pains and tears, but I can promise you that there will be more happy moments and reasons to smile. 

I distant myself to give each other a chance to fall in love with different people but it was always you whom I'm inlove with. 

I know my love wrecked you, I know my love became a poison for you.. 

But I learned my lesson baby. 

Let me build you, let me heal you. Let me guide you do the things you wanted to do. 

I will protect and guide you at the same time baby. 

So please, before you leave… " I paused and looked at her. 

I STILL CHOSE You (Michaeng 💚) Where stories live. Discover now