Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


"Open your mouth. You need to eat." I said as I placed the spoon in front of her mouth. 

"No.. I mean… I can… I can do it for myself." Mina said. 

She's blushing. 

What? Am I making her feel embarrass? 

"Okay." I said as I handed her the spoon and fork. 

"Eat a lot, then take your meds. It's already late. I'm going home." I said and went outside her room. 

I heard her call me but I didn't turned back. 


When I was already outside their gate. I went back inside. 

Mina's afraid being alone. She hates it when she's alone. 

Their house keeper took a day off. 

" Hey.. When is your parents going home?" I asked. 

She looked surprise. She thought I already left. 

"I'll wait until they arrive." I said. 

"Are you done eating?" I asked but she just looked at me. 

"Finish your food. You looked like you're not eat---" I was cut off. 

"Chaeyoung."  I heard her say. 

"You should eat too." she said and took her meds. 

I brought the dishes in the kitchen and washed them. 

I'm not hungry. 

I went back to Mina's room and I heard her talking to someone. 

Probably Jeongyeon? 

"Yes. I'm okay. I understand. Thank you." Those are the words I heard. 

"Go to sleep, so you could rest." I said. 

Mina called me. 

"Just stay here." She said. 

"The school contacted me a while ago." Mina started talking. I just listened. 

"It's about your wish when you were in 2nd year. They asked for my permission. I guess, you wrote something about us." she said. 

"I am not going, you don't have to worry about that." I said but Mina shook her head. 

"I already said yes. It's just one day. You need that to graduate." She insisted but that pissed me. 

"And what? Are we going to cheat on Jeongyeon? Damn. That's something I will never do." I said and Mina stared at me. 

I think I hurt her by the words I used. 

"I won't cheat on Jeongyeon. I'll tell her." Mina said but I didn't say anything. 

I went out and when I came back on Mina's room, she's already asleep. I sat beside her. 

I shouldn't be here, but I can't help it. 


Mina's POV

I woke up when I felt that someone went in my room. 

It's Chaeyoung. 

I just kept my eyes closed until I heard Chaeyoung is already breathing heavily. She fell asleep sitting. Her head is leaning on my bed. 

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