Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


"Okay class, do you remember what did the University told you to write when you were in second year?" The teacher asked and someone raised her hand. 

"I think it was about a wish that the University would grant before we graduate? That's what I remember." Kat said. 

She's a classmate. 

"What else?" The teacher asked again but no one seems to remember. 

"It's a reward. You should never forget that." the Teacher chuckled. 

I think what she's talking about was the small box where we dropped our wishes that was written in a small piece of paper. 

This University is exceptional in every way. They do things to encourage their students. 

I was second year then. They told us to write anything we want on that piece of paper and they'll grant us once we're already graduating. 

Mina and I are still together at that moment, so what I wrote was something cheesy. 

Yeah, right. 

I wrote. "I wanted to spend one whole day with my bestfriend. I wanted to chill out with her outside the city. She's Myoui Mina by the way." 

That's how I wrote it. 

The place that I'm talking about is really beautiful. It's far from the city and you'll feel like you're living in the 18th century. 

Too bad. They can't grant me that wish now. 

We broke up. 

"You can claim that next week and we'll settle your wishes depending on your vacancy. Everyone should accept their reward, okay? I'll be giving you projects for that so no one can say NO." the Teacher reminded us and everyone are too excited. 

I went to Dahyun's class. It's 11 AM and it's her lunch break. 

Somi and Tzuyu aren't here so I don't have anyone to be with in lunch. 

" Yo. " Dahyun greeted me. 

I greeted her back and asked her to eat with me. 

We went to the cafeteria. 

"I haven't seen Somi and Tzuyu around. Are they okay?" Dahyun asked. 

They're probably asleep until now. 

"They're in my unit. Sleeping. Got drunk last night." I explained. 

"Tzuyu got drunk? That's new." Dahyun said in disbelief. 

She chuckled. 

Tzuyu isn't the type of person to drink a lot and get drunk. 

"By the Way, Did your teachers already told you about the wishes whatsoever they made us write in 2nd year college?" Dahyun asked. 

I nodded. 

"What did you wrote in there?" I asked but she just laugh like remembering something funny. 

"Nothing. Nothing. How about you, what did you wrote in that?" Dahyun asked. 

"Just old things." I answered and turn around to see if Mina is here. 

I haven't seen here. Maybe she left when I ran away from her? 

"Hey. You okay?" Dahyun asked and I just nodded. 


I received a text message from Somi telling me to buy her medicines since she still have hung over. 

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