Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


I woke up at 7 AM in the morning. I don't have class today. 

I checked my phone and I received a text from Tzuyu. 

She said she'll be going here in my unit later. I didn't bother to reply and just took a bath. 

Tzuyu called to tell me she's already outside my unit. I opened the door and invited her to go inside.

"What brought you here?" I asked. 

She just looked at me and put the paper bags she's holding. 

"Is that from Somi?" I asked when I saw that those are food. 

She nodded and invited me to eat with her. 

"I heard what happened." She said. 

"So?" I uttered. 

"You should eat. Somi told me to bring this for you." She added while eating. 

This brat. 

"How can I eat when you're not even sharing it with me." I said and looked at my empty plate. 

All the food was on her side. 

"I thought you won't eat. It might be wasted."She said and gave me some food. 

I started eating. 

"How's Somi?" I asked. 

" She's not fine, of course. " she answered. 

I sighed. 

" She'll be fine soon." I paused.

"Mina will tell me later about the reason why she needed to break up with me. I'll help her so she could come back to me. There's no need for Somi to stick around. She'll just be hurt" I explained. 

Tzuyu stopped eating and looked at me. 

"Are you ready?" She asked looking seriously at me. 

I nodded. 

I should be. I need to know so I can help Mina. I can't bear the fact that she's struggling alone. 

"Just remember what I told you, okay?" She said looking at me. 

"What?" I asked. 

"If she still did not choose you, stop." She said. 

I blinked. Yeah. That was her condition when she advised me to pursue Mina. 


I went to the University at 6:30 PM. There's only few students left. Mostly are those students taking night classes. 

I directly went to the Garden of Eden where Mina said we'll meet. 

She's not here yet. 

I busied myself looking at the sorroundings.

After more than a month, Mina and I will be here again. Too many memories. 

"Chaeyoung." I heard Mina called. 

I immediately turned to face her. I smiled. 

Surprisingly, she did smiled too. 

I approached her and she did the same. 

She hugged me. 

I froze. 

Are we already okay? I happily hugged her back. 

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