Chapter 39

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Chapter 39


Today is the Art Exhibit. It's 9:00 AM and it will start at 1 PM. 

I'm still finishing my drawing. Just the final touch. 

"Woah. It's good. You really draw well!" Tzuyu said checking my drawing. 

She always say that. 

Somi immediately went on our side to peek on my art. 

"It's like a series. Is it really a series? It's amazing. You drew flowers too for the last three years" Somi said looking at my drawing. 

Yeah I did. 

Her phone buzzed and she immediately took it out. 

She was smiling widely. 

I frowned and looked at Tzuyu. 

"Yeah. She doesn't love you anymore." Tzuyu said while shaking her head. 

It felt like Somi didn't hear what Tzuyu said. 

She's focused on her phone. 

I'm not jealous or what, I'm actually happy. 

Somi said that acceptance is the key to continue our friendship, and she succeeded. 

We didn't talked about us. 

I smiled and went back to what I was doing. 

"It looks sad by the way, your drawing. Different vibe from before." Tzuyu pointed out. 

Yeah. It's sad. 

They're here because there's no class today. Everyone is preparing for the exhibit. 

Well, Only Art students are busy today and the other students are happy because they don't have to attend any class. 

"You think so?" I asked. 

Tzuyu nodded and invited me to eat. 

Somi cooked again. It's been a while since I saw her. 

She's still the same Somi. 

When I finished my Art, I followed Tzuyu to the kitchen. 

Somi is still with her phone. 

"Let's eat?" I said and sat down beside Tzuyu. 

"Ya. Somi. We're in the table. I'll really scold him." Tzuyu said seriously. 

Somi blushed. 


"You guys aren't telling me anything?" I asked staring at the two of them. 

I do have a clue. I just want them to tell me. 

Tzuyu chuckled and smirked at Somi. 

"Well, let's eat first. Foods can't wait." Tzuyu said and started eating. 

Foods can't wait or Tzuyu can't wait?

"So,tell me now. Is Somi already has a relationship?" I asked smiling. 

Somi deserves to be happy. 

We all do. 

"What?! Of course----" Somi was cut off. 

"Yeah of course she is." Tzuyu said. 

"Wait. Since when? I mean, I wasn't informed?" I asked looking at them. 

I was kidding. 

"No.. I mean it's not that." Somi panickly said. 

Tzuyu is enjoying the situation. 

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