Chapter 2

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Chaeyoung's POV

"HEY, have you eaten Chaeyoung? Wanna have lunch with me?" I stopped walking and face her.

She's been following me after the end of the subject where we are classmates.

I may have startled her when I turned to face her because she stepped back.

"Chaeyoung, let's eat. I have foods here. I cooked it." She was able to composed herself and ask me to eat with her again.

I closed my eyes and was about to say NO when my stomache grumbled.

Crap. I didn't have breakfast.

I rubbed my stomach and I started to hear a laugh.

She's laughing. Well, not really. She's suppressing it.

While ago, I was planning to go back to the place where Mina and I used to spend our vacant time together. In that place, It feels like she's still with me. I really miss her.

"Here, eat a lot" I was brought back to reality when I heard Somi.

I didn't even know I was already sitting with her. She's currently placing a bunch of foods in my plate.

Is she trying to transforn me into a pig?

I comb my short hair using my fingers. I started eating but then, I stopped when I notice that someone is staring at me. I lift up my head and I met Somi's eyes. She blinked few times and stood up panic.

"A-ah, I.. I'll go get water---" before she could finish her sentence, I handed her the other mineral water on the table.

There's two.

She started panicking again and avoided my eyes.

"C-cold w-water. Yeah cold water, That's what I'll get." She explained and walked away. She even stumbled twice.

I laughed secretly. She's really weird.

I don't know why she's been trying to be friends with me. I can't spot any reason.

It's not like she knows that Mina left, and that Mina and I has a relationship.

Yeah, Mina and I dated secretly.

We decided to keep our relationship to ourselves and to our close friends since our relationship is something special. We're both woman.

When Somi came back, I continued eating, and to my surprise,

She's a good cook.


5:00 PM. I received a text message from my friends informing me that they're waiting outside of my condo unit. They told me to hurry but I'm not in the mood to follow any orders. So, I walked home instead of taking a taxi. It took me 30 mins.

I got confused when I saw that there's no one outside.

Did I just got pranked? Those little brats!

I was about to type some messages when the door of my unit opened.

How did---Holy shirt. Did they just broke my door?!

"Hey Chaeng! Welcome home, Let me give you a hug!" A smiling squirrel started running towards my direction, ready to attack me.

I captured her hands and put it on her back. This naughty squirrel.

"Baby Chaeng, you're hurting me! Dahyun!!" She shouted and Dahyun came running.

What a scene!

"Hey! Who broke my door? Crap! I thought you guys will be waiting OUTSIDE." I said looking at them one by one.

We're all outside because Sana the Squirrel screamed.

"Yes, we waited outside for a few minutes but got bored... So we--" Nayeon was explaining but Tzuyu cut her off.

"No. It was only Nayeon who broke your door. We just entered when she broke it"

Nayeon glared at her but Tzuyu wasn't looking.

"Tzuyu!" Nayeon shouted and everyone started laughing.

I guess it will be a long night.

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