Chapter 13

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Chaeyoung. Wake up." I opened my eyes and found Tzuyu beside me. 

My eyes landed on the sofa but Mina wasn't there anymore. 

"Tzuyu, where's Mina?" I asked. 

"I don't know." she answered. 

"You didn't see her when you arrived?" I asked again and she just shook her head. 

"I told you to do it in your room" Tzuyu suddenly said. 

I frowned. What? 


"I mean, It's not proper to do it on the sofa, you'll both hurt your back. You even fell asleep here because you got tired after doing it." She explained. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked but she just shrugged. 

Sometimes, I really don't get her. 

"By the way Tzuyu, How's Somi?" I stood up and did a stretching. 

I wasn't able to talk to Somi the whole day

I'm feeling well already. I haven't slept that peacefully when Mina left. 

"Why? Do you miss her?" She asked back. 

I shrugged. 

"She was bullied." Tzuyu stopped and looked at me. 

"What? Why?" I asked as I tried to get my phone that was in my pocket. 

I got worried. 

"I don't know what happened, I just saw her a while ago. When I asked her, she didn't say anything. So, I asked one of her classmates and they told me that she was bullied because she did something dirty." She explained. 

I dialed Somi's number but it just keeps on ringing. 

"Gotta go Tzuyu, lock the door. I'll be back." I said. 

I'm really worried. She's a friend. 

Yeah, she can socialize with people now, unlike before but I observed that some are plastic. 

I opened the door and was surprised when I saw Somi outside. 

"Hey." she greeted sadly. 

I invited her inside and Tzuyu gave her water. 

"Do you have food?" Tzuyu suddenly asked. 

I glared at her but she added "Joke" right after. 

"How long were you outside?" I asked but she didn't answer. 

"Hey." I tried getting her attention but she's just sitting quietly. 

Tzuyu tapped her back and she seemed surprised. 

"I'm sorry." she said and bow her head. 

"You can tell us. We'll listen." I said and she lifted her head. 

"But you need to cook some food after, okay?" Tzuyu said.

I looked at her but she's not looking at me. 

This beautiful food monster. 

Somi nodded and started sharing what happened. 

I felt bad. She was a victim and yet they bullied her. 

"We believe you, don't worry. Okay? We'll report those bastards tomorrow so they'll be expelled." Tzuyu assured her. 

I nodded and smiled. Somi started crying. 

When Somi fixed the way she dresses and her styles, she came out really beautiful. 

A lot of guys started to notice her but like what she said before. She's not interested in dating. 

So a while ago, when she was left alone, one guy came to approach her and insisted that Somi should go with him but Somi resisted. Someone took a video of it and it looks like they were making out. 

I gave her a towel and water. She already stopped crying. 

"You should cook Somi. I'm really hungry" Tzuyu said and Somi smiled. 

I guess she's now okay. 

"What should I cook? What do you have in the ref?" She asked and went to open the ref.

It's all frozen foods. 

"I'll go buy something to cook. There's a supermarket near." Somi said but Tzuyu stopped her. 

"Stay here. I'll go buy. I also need to buy something." she said and left. 

Somi and I were left alone. 

I guess she still feels awkward. Maybe she remembered what she said last night. 

I blinked. 

"About last night--" we both uttered. 

She chucked and I just smiled. 

"I'm sorry." she said. 

"Thank you." I said. 

We didn't say any reason why she said sorry and why I said thank you. 

I guess we know what those words are for. 

"We're good, right?" I clarified. 

"Yeah, of course." she answered. 

"Just ignore the words they said to you. We'll accompany you tomorrow. Lift your head high. You didn't do anything wrong. Okay?" I said trying to cheer her up. 

"Yes. Thank you." 


The next morning, I came to school with Tzuyu and Somi. Mina doesn't have class today. 

We directly went to report what happened yesterday to Somi and they quickly took action. 

The students who were involved got expelled for 2 weeks and they were asked to bring their parents with them to the University. 

One thing I love about this school is that they are fair and square. 

We thanked the administrator and went back to our own classes.

Tzuyu and Somi are classmates on the first subject. 

When my second subject came, I immediately went to the next classroom. Somi and I are classmates. 

I found her contemplating on herself whether she should go inside or not.

I approached her and we entered the classroom together. 

They were looking at us, or rather looking at Somi. 

"Hey Chaeyoung." I turned to look at the one who called me. 

It was China.

China's boyfriend was the one who forced Somi to go with her. 

"You should stay away from her. Someone said that the reason why she doesn't like boys is because she likes girls." China said but I scoffed. 

This damn creature. 

I was about to give China a good scolding when Somi spoke first. 

"So what? Can't I do that? You should mind your own business." China was rebuked and she didn't bother to talk back. 

Our professor came in. 

I took a glimpse of Somi. It feels like she became someone unbreakable. 

I'm glad. Atleast, I know that she won't let anyone criticize her anymore. 

She looked at me and I gave her two thumbs up. 

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