Chapter 11

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Chaeyoung's POV

The next morning, I woke up at 7 am. My class is at 10 AM. 

My head hurts even if I only drink one can of beer. I went outside to check if Tzuyu and Somi are still asleep but I found them dancing. 

Are they drunk again? 

"Join us here Chaeyoung, good morning!" Tzuyu shouted. 

They're doing Zumba. 

"Good morning" Somi greeted me. I looked at her but she can't look at me. 

"Morning. I'll go cook some breakfast." I said ignoring their invitation. 

I'll just cook eggs. 

That's one of the few dishes I can cook. 

"Just heat the food on the table. There's still a lot." Tzuyu reminded me. 

I told you, she doesn't waste food. 

I nodded and went to the kitchen to heat the left over foods. 


Tzuyu and Somi left first to go to school since their class is 8:30 AM. They're classmates on the first subject. 

I decided to walk to the school. Exercise. It's still early. While walking I saw a familiar person walking alone. 

Its Mina.

Their house is close to my unit and it's her habit to walk to school. 

The last time I saw her walking from their house to the University was more than a month ago. 

Time quickly went by. 

I ran to approach her, she got startled and was about to walk away when I grabbed her wrist. 

"Let's walk together." I said smiling but she just put a distance between us. 

I moved closer and she stopped walking. 

"Did you forget? I told you not to approach me." she reminded me. 

"I know, but I can't do it anymore. Why do I have to? Can't we be friends atleast? Why won't I see you If I approach you? I just don't understand bab--- Mina." I said. It's kind of weird calling her name instead of baby or love. 

I decided to be with Mina even if she already clarified that we broke up. 

I know she still loves me, and I love her too. 

"I don't want you to be hurt." she said. 

"Let me be hurt. I can take pains. Just don't stop me from approaching you, from talking to you. I can't do it. Just let me be with you.. As a friend." I said begging. 

She didn't answer and just started walking. 

I courted Mina when I was in first year college, she was second year. At first, it's weird and I can't believe that I fell in love with a woman. 

I do have crushes. They're all guys. 

I'm not against LGBT. I just didn't expect myself to be one. 

When Mina came, I started to question my sexuality. 

Mina and I became classmates in one subject, that's how I got to know her. 

I confessed how I feel and she felt the same. We became a couple.

Her parents don't know it yet but we already told my Mom. She supported us. 

I'm glad. 

We never had a huge fight in all those four years. We encountered misunderstandings but we easily fixed it. 

So it's a surprise for me when one day, Mina just left and when she came back, she broke up with me. 

It's too sudden. 


Lunch time.

Somi walked as if she didn't see me, she just passed by me. 

I don't know if she really didn't see me or she's just ignoring me. 

I just let her. 

I went out to find Mina. I wanted to eat with her. 

It has been a while since we ate together. 

I saw her with her friends, she's smiling. 

"Hi!" I greeted them and they stopped walking. 

"Oh. Chaeyoung, Hi!" they greeted me back but Mina just looked at me. 


"Can I take Mina with me? I need to talk to her." I said smiling at them. 

Mina looked at her friends and mouthed "NO". 

"Sure, we have to go somewhere else too." her friends said. 

I gently grabbed Mina's wrist and started walking. 

"Chaeyoung! What are--" I cut her off. 

"Stop talking or I'll make you shut up." I said but she still keeps on nagging. 

"You really want me to kiss you, eh?" I said as I pulled her on the shady part of the University. 

No one can see us here. 

"W-what are you talking about?" she said panicking. 

How I love my baby. 

I still have effects on her. I smiled and leaned closer. I stared at her lips. 

"Ya! I thought you want me as your friend. We can't kiss. We're.. We're just friends." she said trying to stop me. 

"There's something on your lips, I'll just wipe it off." I said as I brushed my lips on hers. 

I felt that she froze. 




I let go of her lips. "I cleaned it up already." 

"Son Chaeyoung!" she shouted but I just laughed. 

I missed her calling my full name. 

She only calls me that way if she's embarrassed. 

My baby is shy and it's cute. 

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