Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


I was stunned for 30 mins now. I am still sitting where I sat when Jeongyeon told me about Mina. 

"Tzuyu, can you help me find them? I don't know where are they." I heard Jeongyeon asked. 

I didn't asked Chaeyoung the name of the place they're going to. 

I just know that it doesn't have any signal as what Chaeng said. 

"Did you tried asking Dahyun?" I asked but Jeongyeon said Dahyun doesn't know. 

I texted Somi, but she also doesn't know. 

I had no choice. 

I immediately dragged Jeongyeon to the University. 

We'll ask the Administrator there. 

I think they'll tell us since it's an emergency.. 

"I'm sorry but we won't disclose any information." The administrator said. 

He's the substitute of the previous administrator in this University since the previous one went on a vacation. 

"It's an emergency. If something happens to Mina, swear. You'll pay big time!" Jeongyeon started shouting but the administrator still did not bother to disclose any information. 

"The owner of this school is Dad's brother. Here's a proof." I said and showed him my ID. 

I also showed him a photo of the owner in this school and my photo, together with my family. 

"So, you'll tell us or you'll get fired?" I asked staring into his eyes. 

My friends said that my eyes is like a knife. 

I was hurt at first, but I realized that I can used it to scare someone. Like in this situation. 

It comes in handy. 

He still didn't budge but when I started counting, he immediately told us the place. 

Damn. He wasted a lot of our time! 

We quickly went outside the University and I decided to go with Jeongyeon. 

We still need to go at Jeongyeon's house so we could get her car. 

"I didn't know your Tito owned that school." Jeongyeon said. 

"It was a lie." I answered. 

Yeah. It was a coincidence that the owner of the school's last name and my last name are the same. And It was also a coincidence that my family met the owner of this school in one of my father's business event. 

Jeongyeon just shrugged. 

She still looked like mess though. 

"Hey. Can I bring Somi with us?" I asked. 

"That girl who's hanging out with Chaeyoung lately?" Jeongyeon asked back and I nodded. 

"Sure." She answered and I immediately called Somi. 


Mina's POV

I saw Chaeyoung sitting near the pool. I guess she's thinking deeply since she did not noticed that I'm at her back. 

"Hey Chaeyoung." I called her. 

She didn't looked back nor answer me. 

I held her shoulder and she quickly stood up to face me. 

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