Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


After a few minutes, I decided to go to Mina's room. 

I stayed outside her room for a while. 

Maybe I need these. I need to say sorry.. 

I need to do the thing I never thought of doing when we became a couple. 

I knocked on the door first and Mina told me to come in. 

She might think it was Jeongyeon who knocked. 

I didn't come in and just stayed outside. 

I can't. 

I'm afraid. 

What if she haven't taken her pills yet and I went in? 

I might put her in danger. 

I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed Mina's number. 

She answered right away. 

"Hey." Mina said on the phone. 

She sounded fine.

Or she's just pretending to be fine? 

"Can we talk?" I said as I smiled.

"Sure wait. Where are you? Where are we gonna talk?" Mina said and it went quiet on the other line. 

Mina tried opening the door but I held unto the door knob. 

"Hey.. Are you.. Are you outside my room? I heard Mina said on the phone. 

"Let's just talk on the phone Mina. You don't need to say anything. You don't need to open the door. Just listen." I said and it got quiet on the other line. 

After a minute, Mina talked. 

"Don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault. It's no ones fault. " Mina said. 

I closed my eyes and remembered everything. 

From the first moment I saw her in one of my subject to the moment where I looked at her sitting under the tree in the Garden of Eden. 

I remembered how her smiles made me question my sexuality. 

I remembered how her laugh sounded like a music to my ears. 

I remembered every moment we spent together. 

"Baby, It's really sad when you left. It was like my life was taken away from me when you disappeared." I paused. 

"When you told me that I can't be near you, I thought that you were just scaring me. I never thought that it was a warning that if I stepped closer, I might never really see you again."  I added. 

That's what she said before, I didn't listened. 

I just thought of my own love for her. 

"Why did you went with me when you already know that its dangerous? You know you can't be with me or something might happen - - -" 

I started talking but Mina cut me off. 

"I wanted to be with you. I know it's cliche because I told you to stay away from me but I came running after you. I got scared when I saw that you're really staying away from me.. I got scared.." Mina whispered. 

I was so stupid. I should have known. 

"I'm sorry because I was hurt when you choose Jeongyeon over me. I didn't know.." I started sobbing. 

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