Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


They brought my Art in the stage, I also went to accompany my Artwork. 

I can see a lot of people looking at us on the stage. 

I'm glad that I was chosen again. That's thanks to my friends. 

They did the hard work. 

I smiled when I saw them cheering for me. 

It's rare to find true friends like them in this world. 

They aren't the best and sane persons on Earth, but I'm glad I have them. 

It's sad that Jeongyeon and Mina aren't with them, but I do understand. 

There's three of us. Two guys and I'm the only girl. 

They're all well-known and I can see that their drawings are amazing. 

I mean, it's really good. 

The President started asking us to explain the meaning behind our drawings. 

The first one explained shortly but it was good. 

I mean, it was smooth. 

The second one explained really long. 

The President needs to cut him off because he's going too far like thanking all his ancestors family whatever. 

When it was my turn, I felt pressured when the President introduced me as the consistent Art Student who was always in the Top three. 

Yeah, I was. I never won tho. 

Maybe because I wasnt good at explaining? I don't know. 

I can hear the screams of my friend like they're so proud of me.

I started staring at my Art and to the people listening down the stage. 

I'm nervous, of course. 

"Well, compared to what I draw and what my colleagues draw, 

Mine was really simple and you can tell right away what was I trying to convey." I started. 

"This drawing is the last part of my flower series. It ended like this." 

It's a two rose. 

Well, rose symbolizes love. 

"This rose represents me.. The other rose represents the one I love." I paused and looked at my friends. 

They're all smiling at me. That gave me courage.

"You can see the rose that represents me is choking the other rose which represents the one I love. 

The one I love has a chance to leave but that person stayed even though it's hard" 

I smiled. 

I got nervous when there's no response from the people listening. 

"It represents the dark side of love. " I said. 

I roamed my eyes hoping to find her here and I spotted her with the crowd. 

"We thought that what were doing is something that makes the one we love happy. 

We didn't know that love can't just heal or build someone, it can also kill. It can ruin. " 

I still looked at her. 

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