Chapter 3

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Chaeyoung's POV

My phone rang and all their eyes landed on me and on my phone.

What now? What's with those judgemental eyes?

"It's a delivery. I ordered food. Its outside." I said before they could ask. I stood up and was about to walk towards the door when I saw Momo rushing to go outside.

I just shook my head and laugh silently. She really loves food.

"Chaeyoung, here let's have a toast." Nayeon lifted her glass and we did the same except for Tzuyu who's silently judging Nayeon.

Momo came back with foods on both of her hand. She's the happiest right now.

"If the world was ending, you'd come over right. The sky'd be falling and I'll hold you tight. And there wouldn't be a reason why we would even have to say g-goodbye" Nayeon started singing but she choked after the last part of the lyrics. She cried. No, she's not crying, she's literally weeping.

She's drunk. Even Dahyun, Sana, Jihyo and Momo is a bit drunk already.

Tzuyu is still fine. I'm not drunk too. I burried my face in my knees.

Jeongyeon isn't here. The last time I heard about her was three weeks ago. Nayeon said that Jeongyeon had to go somewhere for something important. It might be the reason why Nayeon is weeping right now.

"Chaeyoung" Tzuyu tapped my back.

I lift my head and looked at her.

Holy shirt.

She's recording a video on Nayeon who looks so wasted.

"Go on and ask her anything you want. She will tell you the truth." She said and I creased my forehead. The others are just watching us. I think they are too drunk to understand what's happening.

"Come on. Go and ask her.." she said. "Wait, Let me try first."

"Nayeon, who's the most beautiful here?" Tzuyu asked.

"Of course it's Nayeon!" Nayeon answered and I scoffed.

"See? She's drunk." Tzuyu said.

I laugh. Even when Nayeon is on her right mind, she'd still say she's the most beautiful here.

I move closer to Nayeon. She's really wasted.

"Nayeon, Is everything okay?" I asked.

I just dont know what to ask.

Tzuyu looked at me and mouthed "wth", short for "what the hell".

What does she wants me to ask Nayeon anyway? Sometimes, i really don't get her.

"Let me do it then. Nayeon, What really happened between Jeong---" Momo stuffed Tzuyu's mouth with a large chicken meat before she could finish her question.

"Sorry Tzuyu, my mouth is full. Eat it for me. Yummy, right?" Momo said and move closer to cover Nayeon from us.

"You pig!" Tzuyu just uttered and started throwing knife at Momo.





She just glared at Momo's back.

I checked the time and it's already 11 PM. They won't be able to go home now. It's too late.

I went to the vacant room to arrange the bed so they could rest. It's the room Mina uses when she's sleeping over.

"Chaeyoung" Even if I don't look, I know it's Dahyun.

I started wiping my tears but it feels like it can't be wiped out. I felt an arm hugging me from behind.

"Dahyun, I'm okay." I said though my voice cracked.

"You don't have to pretend. Let it out. I wont ask you to face me so I wouldn't see your tears" she said calmly.

It's like a signal.

My tears started flowing like crazy. My mind started thinking about Mina again. My heart started aching like it's being pierced.

"Chaeyoung, I'm sorry." Dahyun said and I felt like my back is already wet.

She's crying.

She might be sorry because I am hurting like this.

We stayed in that position until everyone came. They pushed me in the center and started a group hug.

I'm thankful for them, including Jeongyeon. We've been friends since High School.

This friendship was formed at the Principal's Office. We weren't that rebel type, but we were called to the Principal's office for the same reason "Cutting Classes".

The first time we met, we laughed at each other.

I met Mina when I was in first year college. I introduced Mina to them right away and they supported us. They also became close with Mina.

They never comforted me with words since that time they knew Mina left. They just reminded me they're one call away.

You know it's a beautiful friendship when you are with each other's worst and happiest moments.

We decided to sleep in one room. There's only one bed and that's the problem. We won't fit.

But Tzuyu being Tzuyu made a way.

She pushed Nayeon and Momo from the bed causing them to fall, carpet catching them.

We laughed hard when they groaned, but hugged each other afterwards.

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