Chapter 16

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Chaeyoung's POV

I was waiting for Mina to pass by. It's 8 AM and my class is 10 AM. Mina's class is 9 AM. 

After a few minutes, I saw her walking alone. I quickly went to walk with her. 

She got startled. 

"Good morning!" I greeted her. 

"What are you doing?" She asked. 

"Walking with you." I said but she just walked faster. 

I hurried so I could match with her speed. 

"You ate breakfast, right?" I started a conversation. 

She didn't answer. 

"Let's go lunch together?" I said but she ignored me again. 

I sighed. 

"Where do you want to---" Mina cut me off. 

She stopped walking. 

"Will you stop pretending like everything's okay between us?" She said. 

"Mina." I called her. 

"Chaeyoung please. I'm really tired. No matter what you do.. I won't come back. You're just hurting yourself." she said. 

I closed my eyes and nodded. 

"I can take pains.." I said. 

"You can but I can't see you hurting--" I cut her off. 

"Then come back to me baby, don't stop yourself from coming back to me because I will always welcome you." I said convincing her. 

"Would you still say that after I told you the reason why I won't come back to you?" she said giving me a sad smile. 

"Then tell me. I'll listen baby.." I said. 

"Meet me later. I'll tell you the truth. I'll text you where we will meet. " she said and started walking again. 

I just walked behind her. 

Will I finally know the reason of this situation? 

I sighed. 


"Hey." Somi greeted me and I gave her a smile. 

She looks good now. 

"Lunch?" she offered and I nodded. 

We both went to the cafeteria to eat. I saw Mina eating with her friends. Mina's friends waved at me and I waved back. 

"Is Tzuyu okay?" Somi asked. 

Tzuyu went back to her unit yesterday. She didn't say anything and just left. 

"You're classmates, right? You haven't seen here?" I asked back. 

"She was absent." Somi said. 

"She already went back to her unit yesterday. I don't know if she's okay." I said. 

My phone rang and when I checked, it was my Mom. 

I excused myself and answered the phone. 

"Chaeyoung? Today is your father's birthday. You should go." Mom reminded me. 

"I'm busy Mom." I said. 

"It's just a short time. Just greet him, okay?" Mom said and I just said "Yes". 

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