Chapter 10

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Chaeyoung's POV

Lunch time.

Somi didn't invite me to eat with her but she handed me some packed foods. 

I thanked her and went to the place where I intended to go. 

I sat under the tree and close my eyes. 

I'm at this place again. 

Does this place still holds a special part on Mina's heart? 

This is where our first kiss happened. 

We were nervous at that time because someone might have seen us. Thankfully, no one did. 

I started eating the food Somi gave. I haven't seen Mina since this morning. Both Mina and I are taking classes on the south building. 

It's where Arts and Music Department is located. 

After finishing off my food, I closed my eyes again. 

"You're here again." I heard someone said. 

I wanted to believe that it's Mina, but it isn't. 

"What are you doing here, Tzuyu?" Yes, it's Tzuyu. 

"I came here to find Adam and Eve. This is Garden of Eden, right?" she said and sat beside me. 

That's the name of this Garden. 

Weird but cool. 

"I thought you'll be eating with Somi?" I asked. 

"I did. I just finished eating with her. She's really a good cook." she answered. 

"Have you seen Mina? I haven't seen her." I asked. 

"Why? Are you afraid that she might disappear again? You didn't approached her, right?" She answered my question with another question. 

I sighed. 

"I'll be going then. I invited Somi  to your unit. She'll bring a lot of food later. Bye!" she shouted and run away. 

She should be with Momo. They'll click. 

I checked the time. It's 11:40 AM. 

20 minutes to go before my next class. 

I admit, I'm hoping for Mina to appear right now. 

But I guess she won't. 

It's already 11:55 AM. I closed my eyes and whispered. 

"Happy Monthsary baby." 


I arrived at my unit at exactly 6 PM. Tzuyu isn't here yet so I decided to take a shower and put on my clothes. 

Just a simple shirt and shorts. 

"Chaeyoung?" Tzuyu called and knock on my door. 

I guess she's already here. 

"Yes?" I answered. 

"Come out. Let's learn how to cook." she shouted. 

Maybe Somi is already here too. 

I went outside and found Somi instructing Tzuyu how to chop the onions. 

"It's making me cry. This is really difficult!" Tzuyu said and Somi just laugh. 

It's amazing how Tzuyu can be so comfortable with someone except from us. 

She's hard to deal with, but I don't think Somi is having a hard time. 

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