Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


I continued going to school like I used to. Having lunch with Tzuyu and Somi. 

Dahyun always try to avoid me everytime our path crosses in the University. 

Tzuyu told me that Dahyun is still guilty that's why she can't face me. 

I tried avoiding Mina and her friends too..

"So, what do we have for lunch today?" Tzuyu excitedly asked when Somi are taking out the lunch boxes from her bag. 

"Wow! That's a lot!" Tzuyu said again. 

Tzuyu became talkative, Somi is still the same. 

We didn't talk about us. I mean, the feelings she have for me. 

She clarified that she's already contented of what we have, I'm cool with that. 

No matter what I say, she won't leave anyway. 

She just became clingy and I'm fine with that too. 

"Here, taste this." Somi lifted her spoon with foods in front of my mouth. 

Tzuyu leaned to eat it. 

"It's yummy." Tzuyu commented and Somi just laugh. 

Somi lifted her spoon again with food and put it infront of my mouth. Tzuyu took it again. 

We just laugh and I started eating. 

"Is this your new recipe? It's good." I said and Somi smiled. 

Somi has a class so Tzuyu and I were left finishing the food. 

"You received an invitation too?" She whispered and I nodded. 

It's an invitation from Mina's Mom. 

She knows me as Mina's bestfriend that's why I received a call from her yesterday telling me to attend her birthday. 

Every year, Mina's Mom would invite us. 

"You don't have to go. " Tzuyu whispered. 

"It'll be rude tho. I already said yes." I answered. 

"What?! Jeongyeon might come too. Are you gonna torture yourself again?!" She said worriedly but I just smiled. 

"It's okay. I'll manage." I said before excusing myself to go to my next class. 

Tzuyu was left to finish all the food. 


"Hey, are you really sure you wanted to go?" Tzuyu asked me for the fifth time already. 

We're in the living room of my unit. 

Mina's Mom said that the dinner would be 7 PM. It's still 5:00 PM. 

"Let's not go, okay?" Tzuyu convinced me again. 

She's worried. 

"It's okay. Jeongyeon and Mina is still our friends. I should be used seeing them together." I said trying to take the pain. 

I don't know what's my purpose on going there. 

I just want to hurt myself more, I guess? 

When we arrived at Mina's house, it was already 6:50 PM and Tzuyu is still convincing me to just run away.

I pressed on the doorbell and Mina's mom welcomed us. 

She gave us a hug and invited us to come in. 

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