Chapter 7

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Chaeyoung, I invited someone. Is that fine?" Tzuyu asked and I just nodded.

"We'll be making projects here." She added.

"Chaeyoung, are you not going to school tomorrow?" Tzuyu asked again and I just nodded again.

I'll go to school next week. I'm still not feeling well.

"Chaeyoung, Do you want me to open the TV?"

I closed my eyes and sighed. Tzuyu is a bit talkative today. She has been bothering me the moment she arrived here. 

I thought she won't sleep here anymore but two days ago, she started sleeping in my unit again.

That was the day Mina broke up with me.

"Chae--" I cut her off.

She's really talkative today.

"Tzuyu" I said, still closing my eyes.

"I won't kill myself if you leave. You don't need to guard me. I'm fine" I said assuring her.

"I know. I'm just here because Sana and Dahyun will stay at my unit for a while. Besides, it's peaceful here." She said and sat beside me.

"Who's coming here?" I asked and leaned on her shoulder.

Tzuyu isn't vocal. She won't say anything but she'll show you something sweet. She's that kind of person to those people she cares.

"So--" the door bell rang and Tzuyu got up to open the door.

I remained in my seat, still closing my eyes, leaning on the sofa. I just heard Tzuyu inviting someone to enter and the closing of the door. 

"Hey, you have a fever." I felt a hand caressing my forehead.

I got startled so I quickly lifted my head but to my surprise. Somi is so close. Our faces are just inches apart.

Somi blinked but she did not move. 

"Just kiss. I won't tell anyone" Tzuyu said while holding a camera.

I quickly leaned back on the sofa and closed my eyes again.

That brat.

I felt that Somi is still in front of me.

Is she the one Tzuyu invited?

"Why are you here?" I asked.

Just to start a conversation. 

"Tzuyu asked me to bring food." 

I thought it was about a project?

Tzuyu and I don't know how to cook.

I opened my eyes and glared at Tzuyu who's silently arranging the foods on the table.

"Sorry 'bout that." I said.

"Where's your kitchen?" Somi asked and I just pointed the direction.

I'm not really feeling well. 

I felt a soft and cold thing on my forehead. 

"It will help you cool down." Somi said and I just nodded.

It's a wet towel. 

I opened my eyes when I felt her breath in my cheek.

Is she that close?

"Take this medicine so you'll feel better. " she signalled me to open my mouth so she could put the medicine.

I did what she told me. It's bitter.

"Let's eat." Tzuyu called us to eat but I'm not hungry so I excused myself and went to my room.


I woke up at around 11 PM. I felt my stomache grumbled so I decided to go outside to check if there's still some left over food.

I turned on the light and I saw someone sleeping on the couch. 

It's Somi.

So, she did not went home.

I went back to my room to get extra pillow and blanket.

Tzuyu is really cruel sometimes. She didn't even give Somi some blanket and pillow.

I lifted her head gently so I could put the pillow behind her head. I also covered her body with a blanket. 

I stayed there and stared at her for a moment.  

"Thank you." I whispered.

I checked on the table but there's no food left. I should've eaten before going to sleep.

I grabbed some noodles to cook.

"Chaeyoung" I turned my head to face Somi when she called.

"Are you feeling well?" She asked.

"Yeah thanks. Go back to sleep." I said. Her eyes looked like she's still sleepy. 

"Chaeyoung" she called again.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Take care of yourself." I stopped and looked at her but she's already walking back to the sofa.

What's wrong with her?

I just shook my head and began eating.

"Chaeyoung" it's Tzuyu.

She's also awake?

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm just trying to copy Somi. She's sweet" She said and went back to her room. 

I just frowned and continued eating.

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