Chapter 4

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Chaeyoung's POV

The professor is lecturing in front while I'm trying not to fall asleep here at the back.

There's nothing interesting about the lessons.

"Okay, that's all for today. See you tomorrow class" The professor said and I immediately buried my face in the desk, hoping to fall asleep.

"Hey Chaeyoung, let's eat?" Someone tapped my back and I know who it is.

"I'm full. Go ahead." I said trying to make her go.

"Come on, let's eat. I have a lot of food here." She insisted.

I'm getting pissed. I'm really tired.

"Please. I want to sleep" I said in a low voice.

It became quiet so I thought Somi already left but when I checked, she's still standing in front of me.

What's her problem?

"Just eat. I'm really full." I said calmly.

"Chae----" I cut her off.

"Why are you doing this?" I stared at her.

"For what reason?" I asked again.

"We can be friends but don't act like we are close." I said and I saw her swallowed hard.

I am not against of her, trying to make friends with me. I'm thankful, but it's pissing me off that she's too persistent. 

It should be my girlfriend inviting me to eat. Not her.

"I'm sorry" she said and turned away from me.

I sighed and burried my face again in the desk. I heard footsteps going back to my direction. I didn't bother to lift my head.

"At least eat this." I heard Somi whispered before walking away.

I lifted my head when I confirmed that she left.

I saw a green box on top of the chair beside me with a sticky note "I'm sorry".

I sighed again and opened the lunch box. It's  a sandwich with a lot of vegetables. Exactly my style.

I started to eat it and when I finished, I began to feel guilty about what I said to Somi.

It's just that I heard my classmates talking about Somi and I being close real quick.

Somi is a distant person and kind of weird person so they might be shocked that Somi changed a lot.

She started showing off her beauty and she started to approach me.

I'm also shocked but there's nothing wrong with that.

Sometimes, we change ourselves not to gain attention but to show our self expression. 

I'm not angry about myself being linked to Somi, I'm just not liking the way they made stories that Somi likes me and that she likes girls.

Well, if she likes girls. That's fine as long as she's happy and really in love. 

We're living in a very judgemental society so whether you love someone same sex or opposite gender as yours, you'll be criticize for being in love.

"Bro, thinking deep, eh?" I blinked when I heard Dahyun.

"I've been talking here for hours and you're not listening? Ouch.. you're really hurting me bro." I jokingly rolled my eyes and laugh afterwards.

"Yo bro" I said and we did the handshake code we have.

"Game for cutting classes? Let's go!" She shouted and we became the center of attention.

I didn't know the students who are supposed to use this classroom for the next subject are already here.

Dahyun just waved her hands and the guys began panicking.

The charm of Dahyun. You'll be fooled.

I feel sorry for them, Dahyun isn't interested in men. 

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked Dahyun when we are about to climb the wall so we could escape.

Good thing is we are wearing pants.  We don't have uniforms here in the University. 

We can wear anything we want.

"Park? Mall? Wherever. I'm just bored." She answered unsure of where to go.


It's 4 PM in the afternoon when we decided to take some snacks. We just played arcade games and got tired.

Dahyun went to take our orders and I remained seated. I was counting the people passing by when a familiar figure caught my eye.


She's wearing a pants and a simple shirt enough to make her stand out. I immediately went outside to approach her. 

But someone approached Mina first. The person is holding a human sized penguin stuffed toy. I cannot see the person's face since it's wearing a hood. 

I froze but I still manage to step closer. Their back is only visible to me, but I'm sure it's really Mina.

"Mina!"  I shouted. 

Mina stopped from walking and she turn her head to face me. She's holding the person's hand.

I don't know what to feel.

I've been looking for her everywhere…

I want to hug her.. but, how can I when she's holding somebody's hand?

The person was about to turn it's head to face me but Mina stopped her and whispered something.

"Chaeyoung!" I heard Dahyun called me.

The person who is with Mina slowly walked away from us.

I immediately lessen the gap between Mina and I.

I hugged her tight.

I know we promise that we'll keep our relationship private but damn! I wanted to tell the world right now that she's mine.

"Love" I whispered. "I miss you."

"Chaeyoung.. I need to go, there's a lot of people looking at us." I heard her say, but I'm still hugging her.

I wasn't able to hug her for a month.

"Just a minute, stay still" I said and buried my face in her shoulder. I really love her.

"Chaeyoung" Dahyun tapped my back and I let go of my hug from Mina.

"I need to go." Mina said. She was about to walk away when I held her hand.

"I need you here too." I whispered.

I saw Dahyun clenched her fist. She might be pissed off because no matter how many times she said I need to move on, I couldn't. 

There's only Mina in my heart.

"Let go Chaeyoung, let's talk some other time. Someone needs me, so please.. Let go of my hand." Mina said calmly. She's  not looking at me. She's looking at the floor.

"I need you too baby, I need you. Can't you stay for a little while?" I said still holding her hand.

"Please Chaeyoung…" Mina begged me to let go of her hand.

And so I did.

It hurts seeing her begging me to let go.

"I'll be waiting love.." I said before turning away from her.

Dahyun just looked at me.

She was so happy a while ago but she looked pissed right now so I just smiled at her.

She glared at me but wiped my tears afterwards.


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