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This is my first lesbian novel and I'm so excited to write it! I'm known for my gay stories, so if you're also interested into those, please check it out! I'm always open to constructive criticism, so if you have anything to say, please leave it! Thank you for reading my book and I hope you enjoy it!


The alarm of a clock in the morning is either two things; heaven or hell.

As of this moment, it's hell.

Rubbing the crust from my eyes, I grumble at the sheets. Nothing is worst than being in a deep sleep, a peaceful one, and then the alarm clock interrupts it. Instead of dwelling any longer, I toss my legs onto the side of my bed and hop off. My toes digging into the fluffy carpet, a little smile comes onto my lips, "Maybe the mornings aren't too bad."

Out in the hallway are my parents shuffling around to get ready. My mom works from home, stuck to her office about twelve hours a day, and my dad is the manager of the business he's part of. This basically means we all wake up early, which just sucks.

I slip into my little bathroom, popping open the window I stare out at our neighbors backyard. They have a little puppy, I think a golden lab, that they really don't play with. He's always outside, running around and whining. I feel for the little guy... it must be sad to be alone like that. After my usual couple minutes of watching him, I rip the brush through my hair since I'm way too lazy to take my hair into parts. To me, there is no difference. People can try and tell me all they want, but trust me... my hair is the exception. Grabbing one of my bright scrunchies Cassie gave me for my birthday, I pull my bangs back and tie it loosely so when I take it out it doesn't feel like I'm ripping all my hair out.

Unlike my hair, I actually put effort into my outfits. Grabbing my rosy dress that reached midthigh, I slip it on, letting my hair fall over it. Since I wasn't a fan of the low-v, I grabbed a light white sweater and threw it on. Twirling a bit in the mirror, I decide to wear white converses to complete the look. When I put on my locket, I grab my bag and head downstairs to get my daily lecture.

"Ani," my mom drops a plate filled with tostadas, "you need to get ready faster. I'm tired of hearing your father yell up the stairs."

"I will," I quickly munch down, knowing I have ten minutes to eat since my dad is in the restroom. Sadly, I inherited his bathroom issues. Meaning when I use the restroom, I'm in there for at least twenty minutes... it's rare for anything less. I curse him mentally everyday! My mom looks at her watch, mumbling out to me, "I have a meeting around the time you get out of school so I'll be late to picking you up."

"I have club activities until four today," I placed my plate in the trash and fork in the sink, "I'll text when I finish. Just give me a heads up when you're heading over so I make sure to be outside when you get there."

"Okay," she rubbed my head, having me wrap my arms around her torso. She kissed my head and whispered, "Have a good day. Make sure you pay attention."

"Of course," I whispered back.

My dad came sprinting around the corner, grabbing his stuff, "Hurry your ass up child of mine! I got a meeting!"

"You were the one taking forever this morning!" I shout after him. He stops to give my mom a morning make out, making me stick out my tongue from disgust. I head to the truck before he does, getting a text from Cassie.

She's standing in front of a mirror with the locket showing;

Make sure you wear yours!

Grinning like an idiot, I lift my locket up for a picture. After I send it, I shove it back under my sweater, waiting for my dad to come to the car. My mom is pushing him out the door, nagging him over being on time while I just laugh. He gets in, yelling one more 'I love you'. I give her a finger heart and we pull out to go to my school.

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