Chapter 8

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The next morning I was woken up by loud noise that seemed to be arguing.. Curiosity got into me and I creeped out of bed, to assess the situation. There in the hallway, two of my classmates, Liam and Finn were having a heated conversation whereas, the first and second year students were apparently enjoying it.

"That's so rude Finn, you can't blame it on me..I wasn't the one who took your Donald Duck keychain. Its so ugly anyways " Liam scowled.

"Oh, now you are being mean, that particular thing is mine. And it's not Ugly" Finn retorded back, with a frown etched on his face.

"You were mean to me too, last night when I saw you in my dream, and let me tell you, you wore this horrible suit with furs and looked equally horrendous"  Liam gestured wildly with his hands.

Finn huffed a laugh "Well I am sorry to visit you in your dreams, it wasn't a good experience for me either".

Merlin's Beard!! Those guys quarreled like those old and grumpy ladies back in the orphanage, which made no sense. Their fight would have continued if it weren't for the caretaker to have a look in hallways and inform everything to the headmaster. All the students rushed to their dorms to get ready for the day.

After all the classes got over, which felt like an eternity to me, I met Penny in the school grounds and we decided to go for a walk and Say hi to Ebb.

"So, Is waiting fun?" Penny kicked a broken twig which rolled and toppled at the edge of curb. She had that mischievous smile on her face.

I just looked at her, trying to comprehend what she was asking. "waiting for Baz's letter, Silly-billy". She clarified.

"Ooo, I guess. We decided to continue exchanging letters and become friends". I shrugged.. "But, I wasn't waitin…Ohh that's Snow-white". I exclaimed spotting the owl flying towards me. It dropped the envelope which I caught easily mid-air.

We sat on a nearby bench, and I opened the letter.

Hello Simon,

That's so creative of you to name it Snow-White.

That's right. I play for my school. I've participated in a couple of tournaments. And yeah; I've an athletic hot bod and all the girls and maybe some boys swoon everytime I put on my football jersey. Why are we talking about my body and also comparing it to TV guys? Really?

Maybe you should visit my school to watch a football game during one of those interschool competitions. Your quidditch sport sounds amazing. Wow, You like spending time with goats? That's nice!

My school is basically a fortress and I live in a tower. The best thing about school is food! My school is surrounded by lake and forest. All my professors are boring. Don't even ask about my Headmaster!

Tell me about your Professors and Headmaster too.

My Friends Dev and Niall said 'Hii'.

Yours sincerely,

As soon as I finished reading, Penny was hooting like those owls in owlery.
"Oooohhh Someone got invited to watch football"

"Well, it's just a match. And we don't know when it is. Going to be held". I said folding the letter back.
"But the best part is I have become friends with a popular guy from some other school, aren't I just Awesome?".

"I didn't see you getting excited for being friends with me.. am I not popular, Simon Snow? Or is it what i am thinking..." She adjusted her specs on the bridge of her nose and sniffed. Once. Twice.

"Something is fishy". She said with poker face.

I rolld my eyes, at her dramatics.

"Don't be ridiculous penny, you know I am straight". I said holding the rusty handle of Ebb's door..

"Well, so is spaghetti, until it gets wet" I heard her mumble, loud enough for me to hear.

We spent sometime talking about random stuff and left before it was the time for dinner.

While returning, Penny was talking animatedly about the new spell-book she found, But all I  had on my mind was a particular football player and the thought that I had to write him a reply.


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Loads of Love😍

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