Chapter 9

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After lunch, Me and my buddies made our way to the classroom and took our seats near the window.

The afternoon was warm, and breeze rattled the open windows. In other words, a perfect package to summon sleep. On the top of that, the drawling voice of Professor Taurus Minotaur a.k.a Minos,our Greek teacher,  wouldn't fail to make us fall asleep.

Ever since my friends got to know about my correspondence with Simon Snow, they kept teasing me,whenever they got the chance(which I secretly enjoyed). I threatened them that I'd cast a spell that wouldn't let them speak for a week.

Boy, did they ever listen to me? No! They never listen to me when I say that there's  nothing going between me and Simon Snow. So, I let them think whatever they wanted to. But I was most surprised by the fact that my buddies weren't judgemental about the whole boy-boy thing. Which was good, I suppose.

Now, while Niall and I were discussing about the upcoming tournament, Dev yanked my hand and I jumped. I turned to him, who was staring at a small  owl, which was sitting at the edge of our desk, a letter tied to its tiny leg.

I stood upright and went to the owl,  took the letter and made my way back to sit between Dev and Niall.

I could tell that my friends were expecting me to open the letter. I contemplated to open or not. I checked my watch, five more minutes  before the class starts.

I told myself that I might as well make use of next 5 minutes by reading the letter, just to convince myself that I'm not so desperate to read the letter.

I opened the letter to see the neat handwriting of Simon Snow.

Dear Bazzy,

Hope you don't mind the nickname.

I wish we were room-mates or atleast School-mates.. Maybe in some other universe we are.. who knows.

So.. I got to know another thing, you don't only have hot body but you are also confident about it. That's pretty cool. I dunno why we are talking about this. But, it's fun.

I would totally love to visit your school if ever get a chance. I'd like to cheer you on your football match. Now, if you don't mind, I wanna ask this, Do you have a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?  I am just curious!!

You know pretty much everything about my school, Our headmaster is a wise man, with  long beard and half moon specs. He is pretty cool with even cooler name. You might've heard about Albus Dumbledore from someone or from magick newspapers? Our potions professor has a nasty temper, All the other professors are like those typical teachers. Boring..

You live in tower? That's supercool. Another reason I want to be your room-mate. Why? Bcz I have to share room with 4 boys. 4 VERY LOUD BOYS.

Say Hi to Niall and Dev..

Until next time. Stay Safe.

Your friend,

Unlike last time, my friends couldn't control their laugh. They laughed out loud. I ,afraid that my lips would betray me with a smile, started to cough loudly.

Then, I heard someone clear their throat, which was loud enough that my ears ringed. Which means the class has fallen silent and everyone was looking at us. And Professor Minotaur was standing in front of the class, with his eyes glowering on us. I slowly placed the letter in my bag.

"Are you all right, Mr.Pitch?" He asked.

"Yes, Professor. I'm perfectly fine." I said looking somewhat flustered.

"Take your seat,then. And you two! What's so funny? Have you forgotten this is a classroom?"

"No, Sir. It's just that our Bazzy-"Dev started and stopped when I kicked his leg under the bench.

"You're all seniors. But behave like kids! Have some manners in class at least, will you? Now, sit down. Take out your books. Everyone." Professor Minos ordered.

My mind, wandered to the letter, processing each sentence again and again. First of all, Simon Snow started a letter to with 'Dear'. It might be nothing. I need to just calm down.
Next, he called me Bazzy. None of my friends ever called me any name other than Baz. I don't even know if I should be delighted and thank him for the new nickname or throttle him when I meet him.
Then, he wishes us to be roommates. Crowley! Where's this going? Am I over thinking?
After that, he wants to cheer me during my football game. I feel like I might combust.
Lastly, he's asking me if I had a girlfriend or boyfriend. As if this is nothing. Like we've known each other since we were born to share each and every secret. Not that I've shared all the secrets with Dev and Niall. "They mustn't know as it does more bad than good." My father's words.

Speaking of which, if Simon Snow comes to know all my secrets, he would not only change the idea of  sharing a room with me but would also stop exchanging letters with me.

Hello Lovelies..😍

Thank you for reading. And don't forget to Vote and Share with fellow SnowBaz fans..

Stay Safe y'all.

Loads of Love.😘

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