Chapter 21

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It was already Saturday, and I was a nervous wreck. When I was flirting with Baz and asked him out on a date, I never knew he would accept.

I told him I was straight and then asked him out first. Great demonstration of being a nutjob.

And when I told Penny about it, she wasn't even surprised. All she said was "I saw this coming" and "I am so happy for you, Simon".

I decided to wear my favourite Flannel and jeans combo with a pair of sneakers, after all I was sneaking out of school to meet Baz.

But it seemed, luck wasn't on my side.

First, I almost got caught by the school caretaker.

Then, I missed the bus and the next one was nowhere to be seen.

And then, I had to take the subway, leaving me no choice but to run to the cafe.

It was almost 10:15, while we had decided to meet at 10.

"Merlin's pants, what if Baz thinks I stood him up?"

"What if he leaves?"

I ran like a prey of forest. By the time I reached Olive's Cafe, I was soaked in sweat and panting. I composed myself and peeked inside through the glass door.

Baz, with all his glory, was sitting in the corner seat.
Calming my heart, I moved towards him. His head was slightly bowed, face downcast and lips pursed.

"Hi" I said meekly. He lifted his head, relief flooding over his face.

"Hi" Baz replied "I thought, maybe you…"

"I am so sorry Baz, this is our first date and I am late"  I hurriedly spoke sitting down opposite him "I didn't mean to".

One moment ago he looked as if there was a gloomy cloud over his head, and next moment he gave me a million Watt smile that would put the Sun to Shame. He face was so bright.

I looked down at my hands holding his. I must've hold them at some point. His hands were pretty, fingers thin and long, like it was sculpted by a fine wax.

I saw him staring at our hands too. Heat crept up my neck and face. Embarrassedly, I tried to remove my hand. But Baz, held them back. This time, lacing our fingers together.

My heart felt strangely warmed, like a ray of sunshine was stealing into my soul.

"Umm.. My palm is sweaty" I looked up at him.

"I don't mind" He replied.

We ordered food and drinks and sat there talking about anything and everything. Baz wasn't a very talkative person.

"You don't speak too much, do you?" I blurted out.

"I am enjoying, listening to you" He laughed and I laughed along with him. We enjoyed the brunch in light atmosphere.

"Let's go out. I Know of a place, we should go" Baz rose up on his feet, waiting for me putting a hand in his trousers pocket.

After a little wandering in the neighborhood, Baz took me to bowling. I turned to face him, lifting an eyebrow.

"What? It's hot outside, besides they serve the best mocktails here" He said laughing.

"Let's make it more fun. Whoever wins the first round of bowling, will have to buy drinks on second date" I slyly said, making him laugh harder.

"So, you'll go on more dates with me?" Baz asked, eyes shining.

I came closer to him and whispered in his ear "I'd love to" and moved back. Leaving him rooted on the spot, I turned to write names on score board.

Boy, he is adorable.

"Watch me get this strike" I turned and shouted to him.

He nodded and said "My eyes are only upon you, Snow" .

My first throw, and I failed. Miserably. A wonderful gutter ball.
I turned to look at Baz, who was trying to control his laughter but making no attempt to hide the expression.

"Hey, it was practice round. Scores don't count" I said pointing towards the score board.

"Sure honey" he said in an amused voice.

His was perfect throw. "Nice shot!" I cheered.

Turns out, football wasn't the only sport, Baz was good at. I was impressed by his skills. Not that I was bad either.

After 3 rounds, the score board read
BAZZY-  103
SNOW- 85

"Ofcouse you're 'Pitch-Perfect'. Don't forget drinks are on you, next time" I turned and pointed a finger towards him. "This time I'll get you one. What would you prefer?"

Walking through the bridge and watching Sun going down, hiding behind the buildings and casting yellowish purple hue made the environment even better.

I sat on the bridge railing facing Baz. He put his arms on either side of me. "So,did you figure it out?" He asked staring into my eyes.

He was so close to me. My thoughts went haywire.
"Figure out what?" I questioned him back.

"About us" He looked serious, the colour of his eyes were most magical thing in life. Like ocean. Like clouds with silver lining. It was hard for me to keep my hands to myself.

I said in low voice "I think this is the right time to say this. You know I was in relationship with Agatha, we broke up on good terms. I guess that happened just because Aggy was understanding. She must've knew it before I realized. That I might be Bi."

Something changed in Baz's expression but he still didn't speak so I continued "I am still not sure.  But penny says I am . Coz you see, with Agatha I wanted to protect her, take care of her, make her happy, even found her attractive.. and maybe I misunderstood that feeling as Love".

Baz opened his mouth to say something, then clamped it shut again. Like a fish seeking for water , that wasn't there.

"But with you" I put a finger on his lips.  "Earlier when we started exchanging letters ,it was fun teasing you. Then I found myself waiting for your letters. When we decided to meet, I was so nervous and when I saw you. My heart, it felt like it's gonna explode in my chest. It was strange feeling. I've never felt that way for anyone"  It felt so much better to get things  off my chest. I took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. Anywhere but his eyes, I felt like drowning in the pair of grey pools.

He clasped my hands and said in soothing voice, "I can't believe we have this much effect on each other. Tell me this is all not a dream".

I smiled. Even if it was a dream, I didn't want to wake up.

"Snow" He caught my attention "You know, you don't have to rush into it. I'll be always there for you. Whenever you are ready".

My heart just melted into a puddle. I put both my arms around his neck and got off the railing. We stood like that for a moment, then I gave a peck on his cheeks.

I couldn't stop myself, Baz looked so adorable.

"Come on, I'll drop you off at your school, before catching bus" I said holding his hands.

Walking alongside Baz, hands linked together felt perfect. We might be parting for the day, but it was a fresh start.

Our stars were aligned..


Thankyou for reading.
Hope you like it.


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