Chapter 18

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Dear Baz,

It was fun meeting you. I enjoyed the day. All of it was fun.

You were  spectacular while playing. All the eyes were upon you. And when you flex your biceps. Oooohhh. I wish we can hang out more.. I knew you were handsome, but seeing you in person, I won't lie but I was a bit nervous. Excited but nervous. You are beautiful, that pale skin grey eyes combination suits you. Just so you know ..

Baz, I'll like to know more about you. While I was in your room I saw a picture of a lady holding a babe. Is she your mom? Well, she is beautiful. You resemble her a lot. May I ask who else are there in your family? Do you have Siblings?

Keep in touch.


P.S: I was leafing through a book when I came across this beautiful poem. I thought to share it with you.

I don’t know how you are so familiar to me—or why it feels less like I am getting to know you and more as though I am remembering who you are. How every smile, every whisper brings me closer to the impossible conclusion that I have known you before, I have loved you before—in another time, a different place, some other existence.

                             -Lang Leav, Soulmates

Oh dear, I melted into a heart-shaped puddle.

Snow complimenting on my biceps, wanting to know more about me and the excerpt he sent gave me a burst of energy to do anything! Perhaps that's called Hope.

My cheeks hurt from smiling, face down on my pillow.

I wrote back to him the next day.


Dear Snow,

Finally, We met. Really it was great seeing you in person. You're more handsome than I'd imagined. I could see how much you were excited. You were literally glowing. I don't know if it's because of your excitement to meet me or if it's how you usually are. Crowley! It's like you absorbed all the light from the sun and glowed in the crowd as a beacon for me alone to find you.

Yes, the lady in the photo was my mother. My family consists of me, dad, step-mom and four step-siblings. And my aunt Fiona. She lives separately. What about you?

Like I already told you, you know , that you're too straightforward! Talking about my biceps with me as if it won't have any effect on me.

Are you attracted to me,Snow? Because I caught you watching me several times and you blushed furiously when our eyes met. Or I'm overthinking?

That's a lovely excerpt. Thanks for sending!

I would like to meet you again soon.

Take care.
Yours truly,

P.S. You've many moles than the stars in the sky.

I was dreaming.

It was not real.

Baz asked me if I was attracted to him? And the answer is I don't have a freaking idea about it. Am I? I think about him all day and all night ? I wish to know him more.. I wish to meet him.. I wish to be with him.

I wish..

But, does that mean I am attracted to him?


I needed to sort my feelings for Baz. And quickly.


This was a small chapter, but I hope you loved it nonetheless.

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Loads of Love🌈💕

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