Chapter 15

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After showing us the great Hall and the library, Baz took us to the Astronomy tower.

"The view is spectacular at night time. It seems millions of stars are staring down at you. Looking at those stars, it feels they are shining just for you" Baz said staring out at the vastness of land and lake in a low voice. 

And I was staring at him. His skin was pale, too pale. And those grey orbs were deep, so deep I needed a staircase to descend. It held secrets and mysteries.
The dark hair around his face, made him look young and beautiful. Like a full moon in the dark night.

"Simon, Si, C'mon let's go" Penny's voice brought me out of the trance. I looked around to watch them waiting for me.

Were they waiting for me to speak something? "I am sorry, what did you ask?" I asked sheepishly.

"We need to move from here, Baz has to go to his dorm.. to change". Penny informed me. I looked at Baz who was looking up at me with a small smile.

"Ohh sure, I'll join you" I might not be in my right mind to say this because the moment these words left my mouth, Baz overcame with a terrible fit of coughing and Penny just gawked at me.

Maybe, students from other schools weren't allowed in dormitories.

How can you be so stupid, Simon Snow.

"I was unaware that only Watford students are allowed in dorms. We can wait in grounds yeah pen?? It's just I wanted to see the tower you live in". Heat crept into my face as I clarified to wipe out the mess I just created.

"It's okay. You can come along with me. It won't take long, anyways". Baz said while rubbing the back of his neck. "I am sorry Penelope, but girls can't enter the boys dorms" He added walking down the stairs.

"I am completely fine. I'll walk around a  bit in grounds and then see you guys in main hall" Penny rushed and said. Her lips twitched into a smile.

Before turning towards the tower, I looked at Penny as she mouthed "Have fun" with a thumbs up gesture.

I pursed my lips to hide smile. Penny and her antics.


Baz's room was at the highest storey of the tower. We entered the room and I was hit by a sweet smell of agave and cedar.

"I'll take a quick shower, make yourself at home" Baz said without looking at me and went behind a door which probably was a bathroom.

I looked around the room. It was small but neatly arranged. There was a single bed and by the side of window was a study table. A small bookshelf beside the wardrobe was arranged with color coded books and accessories.

There was a picture frame kept on shelf which caught my eye. A young woman was smiling broadly in the picture while holding a babe. There was something similar about that smile.. The way corner of her lips were turned upwards and her eyes crinkled at the edges, it felt familiar.

Behind me the door creaked open, I turned to ask Baz about the woman.

"Who is the lady in.." words died in my throat as I looked at Baz. His hair were dripping wet, with droplets of water clinging to them like pearls. He wore a white shirt with few buttons still undone..Holy Moly.. My stomach did some weird Acrobatics.

"You weren't lying when you said girls and guys fawn over you. I mean look at this.. " I gestured at him.

"Of course I wasn't lying Snow" something flashed in his eyes.
" Are you always like this? Straightforward?" He asked after a pause with an incredulous stare and bending his head a little.

"Maybe" I replied which came out like a rat's squeak. Damn that stare made me nervous. I cleared my throat. "If you are done, let's get moving".

"Just give me a moment" He said and moved towards the dressing table. After Wiping and then drying his hair, he applied the Lip-balm I gave him.

"This is quite useful. Thank you" He said looking at me through the mirror. I just nodded unable to say anything..

By the time we came down in the main hall the lunch was being served. I spotted Penny talking animatedly with Niall and Dev while eating. She and Dev were laughing at something Niall said. We decided to join them instead of going out for food.

Upon looking at us, Niall wolf-whistled and opened his mouth to speak but before he could utter a word  he was stopped by Baz "Speak any nonsense and I'll put a tongue tying spell on you". He threatened.

I looked curiously between them. There was a glint of mischief in Niall's eyes and Baz's face was flushed.

"I was just going to ask, are you having fun Bazzy?" Upon hearing Niall's words I wanted to creep under the table and hide there forever. And Bazzy, I mean Baz went stiff beside me, the look on his face told he would probably strangle the boy with his bare hands.

"Baz, don't go bananas, he is just kidding" Dev said laughing "Simon, I hope you don't mind, Niall has got few screws loose" He said turning towards me.

I laughed awkwardly, trying to gain composure. We dug into our plates. Watford food tasted delicious. The chicken drumsticks had rich flavor of spices and
Cheese pudding was so velvety, it melted in my mouth.

I lifted my head to see Baz taking small sips from his drink and stealing glances.

"Aren't you going to eat anything? This is really awesome" I pointed towards the pudding.

"Nah. I'm full. Had my breakfast before going to the field". He replied shaking his head.

"Still, you must've drained all the energy while playing, here have some" I cut a small slice and handed over him the fork.

But, to my surprise, instead of taking the fork in his hand, Baz took bite from it. I gasped and looked at him and others. Penny was holding a hand on her mouth, Dev was stunned with his spoon in mid-air.

"Just so you guys know, this is School and No PDA here". Niall remarked with a grin.

"If by PDA you mean, Public Display of Awesomeness, I can't stop doing it" Baz guffawed.

We finished the lunch with jokes and laughter. Time flies, when you're having fun. It was evening already and we took our leave not before saying goodbye to the boys.

"It was fun meeting you Snow. Penny you too" Baz said with a bright smile, and I knew I was in trouble.

We bid our farewell and reached to catch the next bus to Hogwarts.

I was looking out of the window and reliving the moments I spent with my new friends when Penny whispered in my ear, smiling.

"I swear, if you don't wipe that stupid smile off your face, I am going to throw you out of the bus".

I huffed a laugh.

I enjoyed spending the day at Watford, especially with Baz. And I was looking forward to know him more.

Little did I know, that I would catch feelings more than cold.


I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @subaselvaraj..

Hello ya'all.. How are you doing?

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