Chapter 10

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Have you ever had that feeling where you are so full that you feel like you might explode, but you go on eating anyway?

Yeah, I felt that. There were Sour Cherry Scones for the breakfast and I just couldn't stop myself from having more. Those things taste heavenly.

Penny was looking at me like I've grown another head. She should have known better, out of all people. After eating to my heart's content, we were ready for the day.

Our first class was potions, and it was Wednesday so it was double potions. The potion-master, Austerious Crow, was no less grim than his name sounded. One wrong move and Bam, detention. We rushed to the class and got on our seats. It was a rule in potion class that students should get their textbooks, Cauldron, mixing bowls and other stuff ready before the professor arrived in class.

I bent down to take out my bronze cauldron from under the desk and started setting up the desk before the grim-reaper arrived. I turned to look towards penny, who was tying her hair in a bun- all determined to face the challenge.

"Brew me a potion my friend, that soothes my pain, will you?" I teasingly asked her, gesturing a finger towards my heart.

She rolled her eyes and nonchalantly replied, "I am pretty sure, no brew or concoction will ease your heart-ache Si, it's just someone's letter that will give you relief."

I huffed a laugh. She left no chance these days to tease me by mentioning Baz. And the weird part was, I had that giddy feeling Everytime I heard his name. It sounded like dripping honey to me. I wonder how he looked…

A loud bang brought me back to my senses. There in front of class was standing a very furious Professor Crow, Clad in black from head to toe.

"Turn to page three hundred and ninety four" He said in low voice, and spun, furling his cape behind him in a grand melodramatic fashion. I suppressed my laugh to escape from my throat. "Today all of you will whip up a magickal beauty concoction, any potion of your choice but.." He paused, then looked at me and continued "by only following steps from the advance potions book".

A groan erupted from some corner of class and all heads whipped in that direction, including Professor Crow's. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. Not just me, everyone got nervous under his fiery gaze.

"All the ingredients you'll require to brew the potion are placed on shelf at the back of class. Some of the  rare species, you can go collect from herbology class, only with the permission of  Professor Foxglove. Try not to blow up the class, you can start your work now". He bellowed the orders to the class and went to sit on his desk.

All the students flipped through their pages to select the potion they were going to brew. I saw Penny moving at the back of class, most probably to collect the ingredients. She and her competitive behavior.

I started leafing through the pages and came upon a potion called 'Almond and strawberry Lip balm'.   Well, it seemed easier to brew and all the ingredients were easily available in class. I went to collect the stuff and stood beside Penny. She had already stocked few vials in her basket.

"Which potion have you decided to whip Simon? too bad he didn't ask us to make Love potion" She teased in hushed voice. I saw where this conversation was going.

I just smiled and started taking vials that I needed for my beauty concoction. "I need to run to the greenhouse to collect strawberries, it says 'Fresh Strawberry extract' only".

"Wait for me, I need some herbs too. I am brewing 'Ignis Obscura- an acne banishment potion'. These days students mostly give acne to their rivals when they hex them. This potion will help". She said proudly.

"Mr. Snow and Miss Bunce, if both of you are done discussing and wasting your precious time, come back to your seat and start the work you are given".  We were interrupted by a loud voice of Grim-reaper. Nothing went unnoticed from his eyes.

A quick run to Green House and we were ready with all the stuff. I put my cauldron on the flame and started off with my work.

After one and half hour of hard work, perspiration, immense patience and constant stirring I was almost ready with a gooey material left in the pot, which gave rich fragrance  of strawberry and  oils. All to do now was to add beeswax and my perfect lip balm for dry and chapped Lips will be ready.

Once everyone was done, Professor Crow tested everyones potion. He gave a Curt nod after he checked mine. Atleast he was satisfied with my work.

The class was dismissed but not before we were given assignment to write an essay on Benefits of whatever potions we made and submit it in next class.

It was break time and next class started after 20 minutes. We were standing in corridor and taking in some fresh air when Baz's owl came flying and perched on my shoulder. I lifted it and plucked the letter it was holding in it's beak.

"About time. I guess, I'll go and find few books from the library for the assignment and Grant you some privacy". Penny said smiling and turned to go to the library, swishing her plaid skirt and ponytail.

"See you in next class, Pen-hen" I said loudly to her retreated figure and she waved to me without turning back.

Placing Snow-white on the corridor railing, I opened the letter.

Dear Snow,

What you're saying is you want to be my roommate? Sure!
You're  always welcome to be my roommate. I don't know how's that possible, though.
Like you said, maybe in alternative universe, we're roommates.

Snow, do you always find it fun to talk about people's physique? Or just mine? ;)

I can totally imagine you cheering  for me except I don't even know how you look. What do you look like, Snow? So that I can easily find you among the audience when you come to cheer for me.

Honestly, WHAT? Four boys in a room? Your dorm must be spacious? Here, only 2 students per room. Except mine.

I remember reading about your Headmaster. His name must have slipped from my mind. It's pretty hard to keep up with my magickal world only, you see.

Okay. I've neither  boyfriend nor a girlfriend. I'm not interested in the latter. I've never felt this much uncomfortable to answer a question. But, it's about time you know that I'm into boys. Not even my close friends know about this. What about you?

Yours sincerely,

P.S. My buddies can't wait to see you.

I had mixed feelings after reading the letter. I was a little disappointed that only his friends were eager to meet me, he never mentioned that he too was waiting for us to meet each other.

But on the other hand, I was really happy. Snow. That's what he called me. And the fact that he was gay and considered me someone important to share it with even before his friends, brought another wave of happiness.

At that moment, It felt like a privilege to be acknowledged by Basilton Pitch..


Hey there ya'll..

Thank you for reading. And don't forget to Vote and comment. I'd appreciate it.

Loads of Love.

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