Chapter 22

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It was dark when I was walking back to Watford with smile on my face and head full of Simon Snow.
The full moon overhead followed me and was smiling  back at me.

I sneaked back into the school. And as I reached the stairwell that led to my dorm, I heard someone call my name, "Mr. Pitch?".

I turned to see  Professor Minos standing in the corridor.

"What are you doing out at this hour, Mr.Pitch?"He asked.

"I was just going back to my dorm after taking a walk in the ground." I answered casually.

"I see." he said looking at me from head to toe and understanding that I was clearly lying. "You don't want to get into trouble, do you? I'd suggest you not to go for a walk at late hours. You hear me?"

I'm the trouble. I thought.

"Yes, Professor. Thank you! I'll go to back to my room now. Good night. " I said and bowed  sincerely.

Professor Minotaur looked bemused and nodded once and turned on his hooves.

I came to my room. Took a shower, all the while reeling back today's events.

The way Simon looked when he arrived, the way he held my hands casually and instinctively makes me question if I was really experiencing all this or if it's all a dream. It was really like a dream. Being with Snow, walking and holding hands with Snow were the most  happiest moments I've ever felt in my damned life. Not to mention the peck on my cheek he gave me before returning to Hogwarts, left me speechless.

I put on my pajama pants and jumped on to lie in my bed.
I closed my eyes, put my hand over my forehead.

If only I had a spell to spread the amount of happiness I'm feeling right now, it would have reached every corner of the country. However, it's all tinged with sadness of not letting Snow know about me being a Vampire.

I tried to tell him several times but words failed me sometimes and some other times Snow looked so happy that I didn't want to ruin the moment. I don't want to hurt him. I don't want to lie to him either.

He's the best thing that has ever happened to me.
To see Snow smiling and expressing his strange new feeling that he's been feeling about me, it broke me into pieces. I was elated to hear all that, but what would he say if he comes to know that I'm a Vampire? Would it break his heart? Would he look at me differently? Would he want to date a Vampire?

We even planned to go on a second date!

Crowley below! I want to get this off my chest. Doesn't matter if this will ruin everything. This is the right to do.

So, I got up and went to my desk to write a letter to Snow.

As everything began with a letter, it would end with a letter.



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