Chapter 12

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The assignment given by Professor Asterious Crow was due tomorrow and the number of pages I've written for it were Null.

Nope. Nothing. Nada.

I've brought few books from library for some help, but all I had on mind was Baz. I sent the Lip-balm with letter. Was it too much? What would he think?
He asked me what I looked like.!

I shook my head to get rid of awkward thoughts and picked up the quill, again.

"Focus Si, need to finish this or Grim-reaper will make sure you don't see the light of the day" I mumbled and started working on the paper.

Once I was done with the assignment, I took a long breath. Stretching my body, I got up from the chair.

"Phewww, never thought that Lip-balm  has so many benefits besides just using it on dry lips". I wondered loudly.

I looked around the dorm. All the boys were sleeping soundly. Liam was sprawled on bed, like he fell from the sky and Pemberly's duvet was lying on bed floor. Alejandro got his nickname- Pemberley because of his love for Classical literature.

I stifled a yawn and went to my bed. I was just drifting to sleep, when a noise woke me up. Like someone was throwing pebbles at my window. I got up and peered out the window. There in the cloudless night, I saw a snowy owl sitting with all its grace.

Saying, I wasn't surprised at all, would be a lie. I wasn't expecting from Baz today, and on the top of that, at this late hour at night. I hurriedly took the letter and tore the cover, all along praying everything was alright on his side.

Dear Snow,

Hope you're doing well.

Thanks for sending lip balm. I really appreciate it.

You don't have to apologise. I was merely asking. I'm pleased to hear that you only asked me and that you found it enjoyable. You're really something, Snow.

Well, your talk about mysteries and unseen things sounds so cool and a little bit perverted :D

Football game will be held on this Sunday. I hope to see you and Penny.

Whoa. You have blue eyes and bronze curls? That's pretty cool combination. How are you still single, Snow?
About my charming looks, I have black hair and grey eyes and my height is 6'1 ft.

My Headmaster's name is David. I don't even know his full name. We just call him Mage. Most of the times he looks like he is in his own world. We rarely see him. So, We don't know much about him but he's sincere when it comes to making rules and protecting every magickal creatures around here.

Besides playing football, I read books, like to stroll in the woods and explore school grounds.
Tell me about Penny?

Stay safe.

Yours truly,

P.S. Go,Snow. Clean your room first. I'm heartbroken to hear that you live in a pigsty!

I was holding the paper in hand and had that goofy smile on my face. He was taller than me. How would it look like to stand beside him. Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine a tall and handsome boy with black hair and grey eyes, but no face came in front of my eyes.

I couldn't believe Baz invited us to the match. I put the letter safely in the drawer and did a happy dance.  

I have had many adventures with Penny. Sneaking out to the school grounds and forbidden forest at night and going out on Sundays were always fun. But, meeting an unknown friend is going to be a totally different experience.

I tossed and turned on bed but sleep was miles away from me.

The next morning, after getting ready I rushed to meet Penny. She needed to hear the good news.

She wasn't in the dining hall, nor in the library. I looked at the big clock, which was showing the time 7:35. There was still some time for breakfast, she must be still in her room. I decided to patiently wait for her in the hallway outside the girls dorm.

After ten long-lasting minutes, Penny showed herself  and I waved to her.

"Hi Simon, what's up?" She said chirping.

"Good morning, Penny". I greeted her and ruffled her hair.

"Let me guess, you received another love letter. Now I want to meet this Basilton Pitch- who is the reason for my best friend's constant smile and wandering thoughts". Penny said  wiggling her eyebrows while moving backwards.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I replied holding her shoulder and turning her back, before she could bump into one of those pillars in Hall.

She laughed and started walking by my side.

"But, your wish of meeting Baz came true. He invited us to the football match on Sunday. That's tomorrow, can you imagine?" I added excitedly.

"Us?" Penny asked lifting an eyebrow and giving an expression like she knew something.

"Do you want me to show you his letter? 'I hope to see you and Penny' -  his words exactly" I said frowning.

"I trust you Si, of course he hopes to meet "you", she replied using finger quotations on 'You' "and me" and added after earning a glare from me.

Finn, Liam and Violet joined us for breakfast and the conversation drifted to the field they were going to choose after graduation. This was the hot topic among last year students these days.

"Oh by the way, did something bite you at night Simon? I saw you jumping on bed in the middle of the night like hot grease on a skillet" Finn inquired with curiosity all over his face which made me choke on my drink.

I lifted my gaze to see eight pairs of eyes looking at me and waiting for me to answer. "Umm.. yeah. Might've been an insect. Someone left the window open". I lied wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

Violet nodded and continued munching on her bread. Liam and Finn just looked at me with dead-pan face while Penny pursed her lips tightly, clearly trying to contain her laughter.

"Don't you guys have to attend the class today? I'll see you later" I said getting up and collecting my stuff from table.

"What's going on with him?" I heard Liam ask no one in particular.

I rushed out of the hall and stopped only when I reached the class.

What was wrong with me. My heart was racing so fast, like I was caught in a crime. The train of thoughts started gushing into my mind and the thoughts about meeting Baz would not stop- I felt restless.

"Tomorrow" I calmed my heart which was breaking all the records of beating. "Tomorrow, we get to meet Baz"


My Babies are finally going to meet. What do you think about it?

And my friends think Liam and Finn are a thing.. what are your thoughts on it..??

Let me know in the comments.
Also, don't forget to vote. It motivates me to continue writing.

Loads of Love.💝

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