Chapter 11

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I woke up late on Friday morning. By the time I took a shower and got ready for the day, Dev and Niall were already seated around breakfast table and stuffing their mouths with sausages and porridge. I went the table and sat in my chair, then poured myself a cup of tea.

"You all right, Baz?" Niall asked, his face scrunched up.

"I'm grand." I said, with a forced smile.

"But you look like you didn't sleep all night." Niall said, taking a bite from his sausage.

" I was up studying. Didn't get much sleep," I said, flipping my hair which was still dripping a bit "By the way, do we've football practice today?"

"Yup, we are supposed to be in the field at 4:30 sharp." Niall said.

I nodded and took a toast from the plate. I took a bite and munched on it. Mind wandering off to yesterday's night.

Thanks to Snow.
I couldn't  stop thinking about him all night.

His words and his direct questions and straightforward answers are making me feel something that I've never felt  before.

On top of that, I've decided to tell him my secrets. One of which, I already told him.

I don't know how he'd react.

Maybe he won't respond to my letter.

Maybe he would reply but will be different towards me.

All these thoughts were swirling in my already messed up head.

"Baz! Baz!,"Dev started, pulling me back to the present. "On coming letter!"

Instantly, I stood up and turned to see the owl. But couldn't see any owl anywhere. Then I turned toward Dev, who was laughing with Niall, yet again.

"Told ya. He's  deeply in looove." Dev said, still laughing at me.

I clenched my teeth and said, "One of these days, I'm going to set you on fire, Dev. Seriously. "

"Yeah? Am I wrong? You just need to accept it. " Dev said,having cleared his plate.

A minute later, both of them disappeared into the courtyard leaving me with my thoughts and breakfast.

Maybe I should start sorting out all my thoughts and feelings, I thought.

I sat there drinking tea and gazing blankly at nothing. Then, out of nowhere, an owl dropped a letter and flew off before I could see it.

I opened the letter with my heart beating rapidly. I was anxious as to how Simon would react.

Dear Baz,

I noticed you called me Snow, and I like the name. Thanks.

Merlin's Beard..NO.. I don't randomly start talking about people's physique, apologies if I made you uncomfortable..It was just you, I was enjoying teasing you. And maybe, I was curious because it's a wizard's nature to perceive knowledge about something unseen, something mysterious.. wow. That sounded so perverted. I hope you get what I am trying to say.

Maybe you should write me when your next football tournament is and I'll give you a visit. How do I look like? I've got blue eyes, bronze curls and lot of moles on face and well body too. I've decent height-5 10'..I am quite normalish, and don't stand out in crowd, but I think that's enough to recognize me. Describe yourself so that if we ever get a chance to meet I can approach you. You said you've got guys and girls fawning over you, so it'll be pretty easy to find you.

The dorms here are spacious but there is no sense of privacy. Penny says most of the time it looks like Pig sty, and that's not even a lie. Me and penny have decided to move out in apartment once we finish our schooling. You must have known by now that Penny is my best friend, more like a sister.

I used to have a girlfriend, but we realized it wasn't working out well. It just didn't feel right.  So, we broke-up few months back. She left the country and changed school but we  are still good friends. Aggy is  a really sweet and understanding person.

What you do besides playing football? And your headmaster, what kind of person is he?

Write back soon. And take care of yourself.

Yours affectionately,

P.S: Yesterday we were asked to brew any magickal concoction and I tried making Lip-balm, which turned out to be pretty good. Here's some for you too. Hope you like it.

After reading this letter, I felt hot all over. Just by imagining Simon Snow's looks. I shook myself like a wet dog

Inside the cover of  the letter, there was a tube of Snow-made lip balm.

Seriously, Snow? If Niall and Dev got wind of this, they'll never let me hear the end of it.

And I don't know  what to think of him. I mean, he hadn't  mentioned anything about me being gay in his letter. His letter was just like it always was.  Like he sent bits of his shiny-brighty soul in his letters to make my days better and warmer. Like he knew I needed it!

Poor Snow, I thought. Stays in pigsty. I smiled.

Again, my thoughts of Simon snow was interrupted by the first bell.

I quickly folded the letter and Lip-balm and kept it in my bag and took off to class.

I made it to the class  the same time as Professor Possibelf.
Taking my seat between my friends I thought to myself,

"Is it possible to like someone whom I've never met in my life?

Is it possible to fall for someone just by reading their words and about them?

Whatever the case is, well, it's a start. As it happens, I'm unstoppable."

I smiled, headbent and legs bouncing.


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Loads of love💜😍

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