Chapter 24

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Baz, my bae.

I guess you are the only person in universe who would consider me handsome when I am all flushed and sweaty from heat and running. Like I told, I missed my bus to reach you and had to wait half an hour for next one.  I thought maybe you'll leave if I don't arrive on time. There was no way in which  I could contact you.. Hence, running and late.
I am glad you waited for me.

I enjoyed a lot too in your company. Those places hold memories now,  and I'll re-live the moments I spent with you, whenever I go there.. Can't wait for the next date.

Oh don't worry. I've sneaked out thousands of times and have never got caught once. Perks of being Best friends with Penny! What about you? You look like someone who would ditch school to eat donuts.

Baz, you looked so adorable while sipping that Unicorn Frappucinno, I couldn't stop myself giving you a peck.
So, when is our next date? Where would you like to go? Any place in specific?

Also, Baz, why were you single all this time?

Write back soon.

Eagerly waiting.
Your Snow.

P.S: Okay this is weird to say this, but can you come in casual next time.? I want to see how you look!


Dear Snow,

How are you doing??

I can't wait to see you again. I've been daydreaming lately. You can ask Dev and Neil how I almost fell into the lake while thinking about you.

It's your turn to pick the location, date and time  Let me know soon.

You've a fetish for casuals, eh, Snow? I can't help myself from laughing at that. I still marvel at you for being so straightforward to ask/take anything you want.

How's Penny doing? 

What? Really? Do I look like someone who finds pleasure in savouring Donuts? For the record, I never ditched school in all my eight years here. Except for the occasional nighttime-stroll in the woods. It's not exactly ditching the school when I'm still on the school grounds.  And I never got caught while returning to my tower before. But got caught while returning to my tower after our date. I should be more careful.

I didn't find "The one". I was not really looking. I was just waiting for it to happen however long it took. As you know, I'm smart and handsome and superb popular here, I got many letters and gifts and whatnot! But none of those ignited the spark in me. I used to think that maybe I'll find the guy after I leave school.

Then, I met you. It was like a blessing. You know that, right?  Also that I've fallen completely for you..

Anyway, What are you going to do after school?

I can't wait to shower you with my overflowing love on our next date.

Thinking and dreaming about you,
Yours handsome,

P.S. Sorry for laughing. But you're so adorable.



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