1: The Beginning

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The bus revved, telling us we were getting on our way.  We were heading to the airport that would take all five of us to the UK, excluding Niall because he was going to take a separate flight to Ireland, which would then bring all of us our separate ways.  Zayn to Bradford, Liam to Wolverhampton, Harry to Cheshire, and I to Doncaster.  We had just finished up our Take Me Home tour.  Our last stop being Japan.  I love Japan.  It felt so different from the rest of the world.  Like it was enclosed in a bubble.  The atmosphere was so new and strange, but I loved it.  It was one of the few places we traveled to for tour that felt like a real vacation.  Even though we were just as busy, we somehow found time to still goof off and enjoy being in a different and completely new country.  I think the boys felt the same way I did.

The bus ride was long, but wasn't unpleasant.  When we had first boarded, we all took our seats.  Zayn next to Liam, and Niall next to his sandwich.  There were plenty of seats in the vehicle, meaning we could've all had our own seats and still had a row in between us, but none of us wanted that.  Harry had looked around wondering where to sit before locking eyes with me and plopping himself next to me.  His leg pressed up against mine.  I looked down at his leg, which was being pressed against mine harder than it ever has been before, then look up to him.  He quickly scoots farther away, making some expression that told me he "oh I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable".  It didn't.  Actually, the second he had done it, my heart had began beating faster than usual.  

"You're good." I say, even though he hadn't said a word out loud.  With Harry, I never needed to hear actual words to know what he was thinking.  We kind of just thought the same thing, all the time.  It gets freaky actually because sometimes we'll both just start singing the same verse of the same song if we've been in a room that's been too quiet for too long.  Then we'll look at each other, shocked we thought the same thing, then burst out in a performance.  Holding imaginary mics, and dancing to choreography no professional dancer would approve of.

I scoot myself back closer to him so that we're sitting the way we had been before.  Leg against leg and shoulder against shoulder.  I look to him as he looks down at my body pressed against his.  Is he blushing?  Were his cheeks turning red?  I guess it was quite hot in this bus, so that was probably it.  He looks back at me and grins.  His grins are adorable.  I could be in the worst possible mood and if he grinned at me, the biggest smile would erupt onto my face.  And that's what happened here.  I smiled cheek to cheek and stared at him.  God he's beautiful. 

WHAT?! What was that Louis? Did you just call Harry beautiful?  That's not creepy at all.  Why did you just think about that?  You've never thought about Harry's looks before, besides acknowledging that you understand why all the fans are in love with him.  But you've never thought about his appearance that seriously before.  Okay, you need to chill.

I look away quickly and down at my feet.  I can see Harry out of the corner of my eyes.  His face has a concerned expression on it.  He too then looks down at his feet.  I sigh.  Why are things so awkward right now.  I've never been awkward around Harry before.  

Well, that was about to change.



I hope you guys enjoy my story!!

I'm going to start this off by asking: Fav song off of Walls???

Mine is Defenseless all the way

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