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Harry Styles

I hustled to the car with the many bags of groceries in my hands. When I was making breakfast this morning, I had realized that we were low on food and ingredients, so I picked up some things for us.

I love cooking for Louis, he eats anything and always smiles afterwards. I've always thought my cooking was disgusting, I mean it's been a hobby of mine ever since I used to work in a bakery, but I've never really shared my meals with anyone because I always just assumed they'd be gross. I'd help my mom around the kitchen a bit, but she did most of the heavy-lifting and I was more of the one to stir the sauce or measure something. But with Louis, I love cooking something and sharing it with him. But then again, I love doing everything with him.

If I had told myself all those years ago when we were just known as the boys sitting on the stairs talking about the song of the week, that the tan, athletic, hilarious boy I always sat next to and I would be together today, I would've never believed him.

You know, I think I really developed feelings the night before the second show. We were going to sing "My Life Would Suck Without You" and I remember the show vividly because I had missed sound check due to an overwhelming sense of nerves. I had never gotten stage fright that badly before and I still don't know what triggered it, but it was a feeling I do not miss.

I had been extremely upset at myself the whole ride to the doctors, which was a pointless ride because I knew the reason behind my illness, and I remember tearing up a bit in the back seat of the car. But then I felt my phone buzz. I reached for it and looked at the screen with the words Louis the Tommo Tomlinson illuminated, which was kind of a shock because I hadn't changed it to that...

Oh my goodness Louis, you really snuck on my phone and changed your contact number. Pathetic.


"Hey Harry, how are you?" His soft voice asked.

"I'm fine, why are you calling?"

"To check up on you of course, I mean they kind of just rushed you out of there. Are you actually sick, or are they overreacting?"

I looked up at the driver, then quieted my voice in hopes of him not overhearing, "They're definitely over reacting, it's just nerves."

"I figured." I heard his chuckle on the other end of the call.

"But Louis, I'm scared. I've never had stage fright like this before. What if I can't perform tonight?"

"Hey Harry," His voice softened at my shaky tone, "you'll be alright. Plus, we can't do this without you so whether or not you like it, you're going to come on stage with us and perform. I need my good luck charm." I could almost hear his sarcastic flirty expression.

I huffed, "Well that helps."

He chuckled, "Just get back here in one piece and when you do, I'll be waiting to give you a hug."

And with that, we ended the call and I couldn't help but smile. Why was I smiling this big? Why am I so happy? Why did he instantly make me feel better?

I looked back at my phone as it lit up with a notification.

"Breath. You're the strongest person I know." - Louis.

How come we barely knew each other, but I felt so comforted by his slight words? Ever since the first time we met, we have been so magnetized to each other. I mean, he even jumped in my arms the second we had been put in a band together. I didn't even know the boy, besides seeing him around boot camp, but the second I felt his smaller body wrapped up in mine, I instantly knew I needed to do whatever I could to keep him up. So I grabbed his legs and wrapped them around me, carrying him all the way off the stage.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now