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We had sprinted home, while the rain smashed itself against us, squeezing each other's hands and smiling cheek to cheek. By the time we had made it to the house, we were drenched and our shirts were soaked through.

Louis looked so enticing as his white shirt became completely see through, exposing his perfectly tan chest and sculpted muscles. I couldn't help but stare him up and down when we finally stopped and caught our breath in the garage. I found my lips retracting into my mouth as I bit my bottom lip, imagining everything I would do with that body. That tempting body of his that always enchanted me. Every slight curve that portrayed itself around his thin waist, every tarnish of broken skin that made me go crazy, every discoloration from the freckles that formed around his nose and shoulders. I don't know why Management always covered them up with foundation, they were perfect. Everything about him was perfect. I stood like a shadow beside him. Always overlooked and ignored because no one could take their eyes off of the perfect creature that stood next to me. I even found myself forgetting that I existed because I was so magnetized to him. And I found myself doing that at this moment.

"Hazza?" Louis shook his hand in front of my face, disturbing my thoughts that were playing out in my head.

"Sorry, you're just so beautiful."

I watched as he blushed in response. It was so adorable, but just as fast as he made me awe at him, he made my mouth drip with drool in retaliation to him stepping extremely close to me, pushing his mouth towards my ear, brushing my face with his soaked hair. A dangerous amount of chills distributed themselves along my body as I almost melted at his soft words.

"I'm ready."

My eyes snapped open as I felt his hands exploring my damp body, grasping at the fabric around my shirt and tugging at it, signalling him wanting it off of me. I felt my heartbeat freak out as it reached a number higher than healthy. My whole body went hot and I immediately felt a rush of blood to my area.

"Are you sure?"

His hands were beginning to pull my shirt up and he nodded against my shoulder.

"I want you Haz, all of you, and I want you to have me."

He tugged at my shirt even harder now, trying to lift it off of me. I bent down and wrapped my arms under his butt, lifting him up and pulling him against me. He was startled at first but quickly wrapped his legs around my waist. He burrowed his face into my neck, pressing soft kisses on my collar bone. I remember him saying that was one of his kinks so once he had detached his lips from my delicate skin, I put my lips against his collarbone, sucking gently on the thin skin that protected the bone. I listened as he let out soft moans, which only drove me crazier.

I was carrying him into the house whilst we played with each other's lips. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, but he fought and eventually proved his dominance. My hands were inspecting every curve of him, grasping at his ass and falling in love with every part of his body. The body that I had fondled so much over, imagining all of the things I wanted to do with it, for so long. The body I have dreamt about giving all of myself to. The body that has been the only thing on my mind since the first time I laid my eyes on it. Then I remember whose body that was and it made me fall in love with it even more. The body belonged to my best friend. The one person that I could tell anything to. The person that I find myself missing even when I'm in their arms. The person that I seem to run to whenever I'm upset. The one person in the world that I know I couldn't live without. And now he was mine. All mine, and I'm not ever going to forget how lucky I am that he's chosen me to be his person.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now