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I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the new light. I let out a short and quiet yawn and start to look around. Everything has been rotated 90 degrees. What? And I feel something hard against the left side of my head. Without moving my head, I look down to see Harry's body really close to mine. I'm laying my head on his shoulder! I lift my head up to look at his. His head in tilted back and his eyes are closed. He was sleeping too. But upon my awake, he opens his eyes as well. He takes his time adjusting to the world around him and leaving whatever life he was dreaming about behind. He looks down at me, while I'm still leaning against him with my head slightly above his shoulder, and grins. I smile.

"Ah you're awake. How'd you sleep Lou?" He asks, his voice low and raspy from not being used.

"Yeah, I slept well. Sorry I kinda flopped on you. I didn't mean too." I say, embarrassed that I had fully started sleeping on top of him.

"Don't worry about it Lou, I bet my shoulder is comfy." He says, smirking flirtatiously.  Jeez, how can someone look that good when they just wake up?

What? No.  Stop thinking about that.

"Are we almost there?" I ask.

"Dunno, I've been sleeping just like you had been." He says, making fun of my question. I blush and sit up straight, only realizing then that I was still leaning on him and using an uncomfortable amount of strength to keep my head looking at him. Strength that I hadn't even realized I was using until just now.

"We'll probably get there soon. I mean the drive was only supposed to be an hour an a half and we've been sleeping for a while." He says as he returns his head to the spot it had been before and closes his eyes. I stay sitting up straight for the rest of the ride. I hadn't felt the need to sleep again so I just went on my phone and looked out the heavily tinted window. I could see everything going by, but no one could see me. A feeling I wasn't unfamiliar with.

I turned and noticed that Harry was most likely asleep. His mouth was drooped open and his hands had fallen out of use. All muscles relaxed. I just looked at him. I took him in with every chest lift and chest fall he had as he breathed. Every slight twitch he made unknowingly, and every tiny sound that escaped his lips. Those lips. Slightly ajar and plump. The skin on them not chapped or unhealthy, but perfectly soft and beautiful. I have quite thin lips so Harry's on mine would feel like heaven.  He could practically eat them with just one bite. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Stop thinking about Harry like that! "His lips against yours" don't you dare think about that. It's never going to happen...and you don't even want it to happen. You just... haven't been with someone in a while. That's all.

The bus comes to a sudden stop, almost throwing everyone forward into the seat ahead of them. Harry gasps as he awakes suddenly.

"Oh my god. What the?" He asks, looking at me confused.

"I don't know." I say answering his unasked question.

"Sorry guys. A deer ran into the road. But we're almost there, 15 minutes." Our manager yells back to us.

Just then it hit me that something was grabbing me. I look down to see Harry's hand tightly holding onto my thigh. The other hand holding onto his seat with the same force. He looks down and then back at me, immediately letting go and then gently running his hand over where it had been, in an apologetic manner.

"Sorry if that hurt."

"Don't worry, I didn't even notice." And that was the truth. I hadn't noticed something that should've been noticed. I mean now that I think about it, he had been squeezing pretty tightly and it only comes to me now the ache that he left behind. But I hadn't noticed. Probably because everything happened so fast and out of the blue that we were all struck blindly.

"I can't believe we're all going home." I say, looking down at my feet.

"I know, I haven't been away from you guys for more than a day in such a long time. And now we have 2 weeks without each other."

"I don't know how I'll survive without Niall's constant eating, Zayn's constant and over used cologne spraying, and Liam's constant parenting." I say sarcastically.

"What about me, what won't you miss about me?" He asks, staring his big green eyes into my own.

"Um, probably having to wait 5 minutes while you try to get a sentence out, and then only being asked something stupid like what's the time." I say smiling.

"Oh...I...would've...thought...it...would've...been...about...me...constantly...being...naked." He says, dramatizing the time he takes to say each word.

"Oh that too." I confess even though I really don't mind it at all. "What about me. What will you "miss" about me?" I ask, turning my body so I'm fully facing his, knee propped up on the seat gently pushing against the side of his upper thigh.

"I'll MISS everything. There's nothing that bugs me about you, Louis." He says flashing his almighty grin at me. It makes me feel bad about the things I had just said.

"Aw sweetcheeks," I say mocking our pet names for each other commonly used on Twitter, "I was only joking before, I love everything about you." I say cocking my head to the side and smiling.

He doesn't say anything, only closes his eyes and smiles, looking so content about what I just said. He then begins shaking his hands, trying to communicate something to me. Unknowing of what he is doing and confused why he's not just telling me with words what he means, I let out a "hmm?". He then grabs my leg and forces it off the seat, then turns my body facing forward and begins to lower himself. He lays down on the seat, legs stretched out into the aisle, and head placed gently on my lap. He closes his eyes and wraps his arms around my legs. I'm so glad he isn't looking at me right now because my smile is the biggest it has ever been.  My cheeks flame up and my heart beats out of my chest. I'm so happy.

I relax my tensed up arms and lift them off of the seat and into his hair. His curls mesmerizing me. I twist them with my fingers and move them around, massaging his head. He lets out a content noise and smiles, only increasing the size of my smile. I was so focused on Harry's head on my lap that I hadn't noticed that Zayn and Liam had stopped talking. I look over at the two sitting in the seat adjacent and one row in front of us, staring at me. The embarrassment streams into me. Their mouths open and their eyes shocked.

"What?" I say trying to act nonchalant like nothing out of the ordinary is happening.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Zayn asks. I notice that I still haven't stopped smiling. I try to relax my mouth but it won't go into a straight line. It's stuck curved upwards. I bite my bottom lip in hopes of relaxing it, and look down giving myself time to collect myself. Finally my face goes back to it's normal look and I lift my head back up at them.

"I'm just happy that I'm going to get to see my mom." I say, lying straight through my teeth. Of course I'm incredibly happy about that but it wasn't the reason for my ridiculous smile.

"Mhm." Zayn and Liam say as they turn back forward and begin their conversation about what they were planning on doing over the vacation.

Luckily, Niall hadn't even noticed our conversation. Sitting in the seat in front of me and next to Liam and Zayn, he was enveloped in his pizza that I hadn't even noticed he started eating, he never noticed any of it.

I look back down at Harry who was so peacefully resting on my lap, hoping he had fallen asleep before he had heard Zayn ask me about my dumb smile. Or maybe I wish he had heard it, heard that I was happy about his decision to lay down on me, maybe then he'll do it more often.



Fav song off of Mind Of Mine??

I think mine is between fOoL fOr YoU and BLUE

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