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Louis and I had spent the rest of the vacation going out every morning on an early walk and talking about all of our dreams and reminiscing on every moment we crushed on each other without the other knowing, then I would make us breakfast and after we ate we would go into town and find something fun to do, making sure we were home by 4:00 to watch a show we had started to get in to. While we were watching the show, I would cuddle up against him and more time than not I would fall asleep. He'd wake me up right before dinner and I'd always get mad at him for letting me sleep in so late and I'd ask him why he didn't wake me up and he'd always give me the same answer which was, "Because you're an angel when you sleep. And why would I want to wake an angel?" And I'd always smash our lips together with so much passion and love and it would end up leading us to the bedroom, shower, or even the floor, and we'd skip dinner because we would be doing something much more filling. And we'd fall asleep in each other's arms, with my head resting on his chest and his arms protecting me from the world, and then we'd do the same thing the next day.

We even tried skateboarding again. I don't know how Louis managed to convince me, but it was somewhere along the lines of him pretending to um... try something new... in bed. May or may not be something that has to do with a certain kink I have. You'll never know.

But like all amazing things, it had to end. So now we're in the car, heading to the airport to meet up with the boys and board the plane to go to London. I was over the top excited to see the boys again, but I felt a part of my heart break when we said our last goodbye to the place where my whole life changed.

So much happened in that house. Some good, some bad, some hot, but all memorable. It was all a piece of me now that I would never let go of. I hope someday we'll be able to go back there and relive some of our memories.

We spent the ride in beautiful silence. We were both mourning having to leave, but we were also excited for what was to come. We have a whole new life waiting for us. What's not exciting about that?

- - -

"Louis! Harry!" Zayn screamed as he ran towards us. We were hopping out of the car while Paul unloaded our stuff.

"Thanks Paul." I mumbled as Zayn jumbled Louis and I together in one big hug.

"I missed you guys so much!"

"Again, it's been like a week." Louis rolled his eyes but I could tell he was ecstatic. His eyes always had a glimmer in them when he was absolutely joyful, and at the moment, that glimmer was brighter than the sun.

Niall and Liam followed closely behind Zayn and wrapped their arms around the three of us. I felt my eyes water a bit as I realized how important the four people in my arms were. As I was about to sniffle to try and fight back the tear, I felt a warm thumb wipe it away from under my eye. I looked down and matched eyes with Louis who was giving me a warm smile. My heart fluttered as I realized how far we had gotten. He is so special to me, I can't even comprehend it.

As the boys released from our hug, I couldn't stop staring into Louis's eyes. They were so alluring, like magnets and my eyes couldn't help but be drawn to them. I decided it was a better time than ever to tell the boys the big news.

I cleared my throat and looked around at the three boys who had been standing awkwardly, watching Louis and I stare into each other's eyes.

"Um, guys... we have something to tell you..."

"You're together! I knew it!" Niall screamed, jumping up and down and shaking Liam's shoulders ruthlessly while blurting out words.

"They're together! They're gay for each other! Larry Stylinson is real! Let's goooo! They're finally having butt sex!"

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now