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I flutter my eyelids open as I peer around me.  The movie's not finished, and from what I can remember of The Outsiders, we're probably 3/4 of the way through.  I lift my chin up to glance at Harry.  His head is tilted back and his mouth is slightly ajar.  There's a little clump of spit hanging down the left side of his lips, which would usually disgust me, but I can't help but find it adorable. 

I don't dare wake him up, but I'm quite thirsty, so I slowly squeeze myself loose of his grip and slide off of the couch.  I stand up and gaze down on Harry.  Once I had freed myself from his grip, he closed his arms tighter, desperately trying to hold on to something since I had left.  I'll be back, I promise.  I'd never leave you.

I walk into the kitchen and quietly pour myself a glass of orange juice.  As I sit down at the kitchen I can't help but think back to the closet incident. 

I was so ready.  At that last moment, I didn't even care that we were crammed in a dark closet, if Harry hadn't pulled away, I probably would've started tearing off his clothes.  I suppose it's good Harry pulled away, I really don't want our first time to be in a supplies closet at an entertainment complex.

But I had no fear.  Zero.  It felt so different than when Harry had first tried to take my bottoms off.  I had froze there, and I couldn't even control it, it just happened.  My mind was screaming, DO IT!  But my body shied away. 

But in the closet, none of that happened.  Instead, my body reacted completely opposite.  My mind was telling me "Louis, you don't want to do it here" but my body was screaming "Who gives a shit where you are?!  Just fuck him already!" 

Am I ready?

My thoughts are interrupted by the sudden sound of movement on the couch.  I watch as Harry's head pops up over the backrest of the couch.  His bed head cuter than ever.  He looked around the room, confused, until his eyes landed on me.

"Ah, there you are Lubba.  I thought you left me." His sleepy voice was almost music to my ears, and a spot quite a bit south from them.

"Never.  Not in a million years."

He smiled a content little smile and fell back down behind the backrest of the couch so I couldn't see him anymore.  I quickly chugged the rest of my orange juice and hustled back around towards him.  I grabbed his legs and lifted them up, sat, and then placed his legs over my thighs.  His eyes were closed, but he showed his satisfaction with a sly smile.

"It's only around 5:30, what else do you want to do?" I ask as I draw little circles in his calves with my thumb.

He shrugs, eyes still closed.

He looks so gorgeous when he's relaxed.  Every muscle in his face is in a serene state.  He's so effortlessly stunning.  No wonder all of our fans chase after him.  I mean, he had the power to make me do the same thing!

"Are you staring at me?" He asks with his eyes still closed.

I blush.  "Yeah."

He smiles slightly before opening his eyes, taking a deep breath, and then suddenly making a move.  He sits up extremely fast, stares into my eyes for a split, but very intimidating, second, before leaning in and smashing his lips against mine.  Before I had a chance to embrace him, he pulls away and sighs.  Then he stands up, offers me a hand, and pulls me up.

"Let's go biking." He states, as I'm still sort of in shock from his sudden change in moods.

For some reason I can't let any words out so I just nod as he stares deep into my soul.  How does he have the authority to just snatch the entire English language from my mind and leave me completely and foolishly starstruck but just looking at me.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now