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I woke up to the force of two balls of energy jumping on me. Phoebe and Daisy were jumping and tackling me.

"Girls, let me sleep. Please." I beg to them.

"No! Mom says to get you and Harry up because WE'RE GOING TO A CARNIVAL!" Daisy screams directly into my ear, practically bursting my eardrum.

"Ugh. Okay I'll get up, but give me a moment." I mutter.

"Also, can you get Harry up once you're up?" Phoebe asks.

"Sure, now please leave. I love you both to death but let me have a moment." And just as quickly as the two monsters woke me up, they were out of my room and running downstairs.

I crawled out of bed, basically falling onto the floor. I stood up, rubbed my eyes and walked into Harry's room. Keeping my eyes closed for pretty much the entire short walk, I stumbled into a few things. I finally opened my eyes when I was inside his room, and scanned to find him laying face up on the bed, half way under the sheets. The sheets barely covered his lower region which I could only assume was either not covered by clothes or just covered by boxers.

I walk over to him and think to myself, should I be nice, or no? I don't think so.

I place both my hands on his chest and start pushing up and down, as if I'm doing CPR. His body retaliates with squirms but he's not quite awake yet.

"HARRY! GET UP!" I yell at him as he bounces up and down. During this period of bouncing up and down, the sheet had brought itself lower, luckily he had boxers on so nothing was out.

He finally opens his eyes quite a few seconds into me bouncing him up and down. He looks at me with anger in his eyes as he reaches out with his arms. He grabs me and throws me on the bed next to him, then rotates so that he's on top of me, his hands pressed into the bed on either side of my head.

I can physically hear my heart out loud. And my breathing is probably just as loud, maybe louder.

"You're a very mean man, Louis Tomlinson." He mutters.

After I regain control of my mind, I pull him down and flip him over so that now I'm on top of him, in the same position he had just been in a few short seconds ago.

"If you weren't such a heavy sleeper I wouldn't have to be mean." I say smirking.

He smiles and shoves me off the bed so that I land on the ground with a loud thump.

"I'll be ready in a second. And remember to put some pants on." He says closing his eyes again.

I look down only then realizing I've been in my boxers this entire time. I smile, stand up, and go back to my room to finish getting ready.

- - -

There are 9 of us so we all pack tightly into the minivan. My mom is driving, Anne is upfront, I'm in the middle of Georgia and Harry in the middle row, and Lottie, Felicite, Daisy, and Phoebe are crammed into 3 seats in the far back.

"It's a short ride so you won't be uncomfortable for too long." My mom calls back to us. I wasn't uncomfortable at all. I was pressed against harry in every way possible. I quite liked it actually.

Once we arrived, we parked in one of those parking lots that is all grass, like the makeshift parking lots that you see at a popup place like a Renaissance festival, or a carnival. We unloaded ourselves and started walking towards the entry. I walked next to Harry as the twins ran ahead and then came back and then ran ahead again.

"They have so much energy. I don't get it." Harry mumbled to me.

"They're 9. I bet you were that energetic when you were 9." I smiled, imagining 9 year old Harry.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now