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I return the basketball back into the chest as I see Harry start to walk through the door into the house.  I quickly catch up to him and walk in right behind him.  We walk to the kitchen and see Zayn, Liam, and Niall sitting around the table with both of our moms standing and talking to them.  All heads turn when we walk in.  All three boys immediately stand up and run to us, enveloping Harry and I in a huge hug.

"Lads, it's been what, 4 days?" I say, almost suffocating by the lack of personal space.  I was only joking, trying to act cool, when really I had missed them all so much.

"Don't even pretend like you didn't miss us." Liam had said, seeing right through my pathetic act.

"Niall!  We didn't think you would make it!" Harry screams, I can tell he's close to tears.  He's such a softy, it's way too adorable.

"Of course I would come!  I missed you guys beyond words!" I hear, coming from the blonde head in the huddle.

We stand hugging for a while and once we finally release, we all crowd around the table and talk about what we've been doing.  Harry and I talk about swimming, going jet skiing, going to the carnival, playing basketball, and everything else we have done so far. 

Zayn talks about how him and his family have been just having fun around the house and around their town and Niall talks about how him and his family have been going out to pretty much every restaurant around them.  Liam told us about his experience back home and how there were a lot of fans.  It's wonderful seeing all of the support we get, but sometimes we want our privacy so I feel bad for the lad.

As we're talking, my mom and Anne bring out bowls filled with snacks like chips and fruit.  Without even realizing it, we're all munching on the food in front of us, Niall taking the most out of all of us, of course. 

It feels good just sitting and talking with the boys.  Four days doesn't seem like a lot, but it kept us busy talking for around 30 minutes.

Once our conversation had started getting a bit drier, I piped up and asked what we wanted to do today.

"We could have a picnic?" Niall says.  Of course our plans for the day have to include food.

"That sounds fun!" Zayn and Harry say in unison.  Liam nods his head.

"Okay it's settled, we'll have a picnic.  Our moms had said something about a sunflower field not too far from here." I say, pointing between Harry and I.

"Perfect!  That sounds gorgeous!" Liam says.

"We've already packed your meals." I hear Anne say as she rummages through a cabinet and brings out two wooden baskets.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"If someone hadn't brought up the idea, we would've just forced you to do it anyways." My mom says laughing. 

I stand up and hug her.  "You guys are the best." As I pull away, I kiss her on the cheek and watch as Harry does the same thing with his mom.  Out of all the boys, Harry and I are definitely the mama's boys, followed closely by Liam.

We cram into the minivan and head off.  I'm driving, once again, and Harry is in the passenger seat.  He turns on the radio, and what do you know, One Thing is playing again.

We all have a total jam out session.  Each singing our own solos as if we're at a concert.  It feels so nice singing with the lads again.  I hadn't realized how much I missed it.

Once we arrive at the picnic spot, everyone immediately rushes out of the car and just stands, staring at the field in awe.  We all take one simultaneous breath and close our eyes.  I let the wind carry my hair away from my face and feel as it pulls my clothes in every direction.  It's such a perfect feeling.  The temperature could not be more perfect and the people I'm with could not be more loved.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now