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I feel strong arms shaking me. My eyes peer open and take a little while to adjust. At first I see a blurry silhouette crouching in front of me. I squeeze where my arms are and notice that I'm not holding onto anything. Harry's gone. I reach my arms out and grab the silhouette in front of me. I run my hands through it's hair and immediately know who it is.

"Hazza? What are you doing awake?" I say, my voice raspy and low.

"You're mom says dinner's ready." He says, hands still holding onto my shoulders and my hands still in his hair.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask, wondering when exactly he had left my cuddle.

"Only about 15 minutes. My mom, your mom, and I have been cooking dinner. Oh yeah, your mom got back." I see a blurry smile appear on his face.

Once my eyes finally adjust and focus, I bring my hands out of his hair and put them back under my head, basically saying that I'm going back to bed. He rebuttals.

"No. You're not going back to bed. We made a nice dinner and you're going to come and eat it." He says, shaking me more vigorously. Rude.

When he realizes I'm not budging, I hear him sigh, push my hair out from in front of my eyes, triggering my eyes to open, and stick his bottom lip out. "Pwease?"

Curse you Styles. You know I can't say no to that face.

"Fine." I slowly sit up and situate myself so that I'm facing a crouching Harry Styles. I stretch my arms out and yawn. Unfortunately that nice stretch was rudely interrupted by Harry sticking his fingers into my armpits and tickling me. I immediately curl into a ball and fall onto the ground, squealing. I feel him jump on me and continue tickling me. I'm wrapped in a tight ball trying to protect myself from his vexatious fingers but he uses his strong hands to pull my arms out from being tightly held against my stomach. With one hand, he holds my wrists up above my head, and with his other hands he fiddles with my legs until they're out straight. Then he shifts his weight so that he is sitting on his knees, on top of my thighs. He brings both his hands to my wrists and pins them above my head. I see him hesitate for a second as he stares into my eyes.

I can't help but get a little bit excited. I mean he's pinning me to the ground and giving me a naughty expression that basically is telling me to "be a good boy and let me do what I want."

Jeez Louis, relax. Both your mom and Harry's are in the other room. Just go along with the joke.

I watch as Harry starts to lean in.

Is he about to kiss me?

Nope. At the last second he turns his head and puts his mouth to my neck, blowing with so much force, I feel a bunch of his spit smear onto my skin.

This is not pleasant. Yet it kind of is. But mainly it's just gross.

I can't help but let out girlish screams and squeals. My body distorts as I try to free myself from his grip. Once he brings his head away from my neck, I see a sparkle in his eyes. I can tell he's having so much fun. I'm ready to just let him do what he wants, but he stumbles off of me before I can.

"C'mon, let's go have dinner." He says, standing up and then reaching a hand out to help me up.

We sit down around the table, me across from Harry, with my mom on my left and Anne on my right. As my mom is passing around the plates, I see her eye my hair, which must be pretty messed up from our play fighting because she gives me a smirk before looking to Harry and saying, "What were you two boys just doing?"

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now