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"And mum, he was screaming all these things at me. Mum, I was literally struggling to breathe as he walked out. I thought I was going to have a panic attack. And knowing that Harry was going to return in a short while, oblivious to what had happened! That he'd come inside, probably with that angelic smile on his face that always eased my stress as he would start up a conversation with the most peaceful of voices, and I'd have to ignore it! It was treacherous!" Louis cried into the phone.  "And when he did come home, he was the sweetest most perfect thing to exist. He knew the second he walked in that something was wrong. How am I suppose to hate him?!  And then we got in a fight. It was horrible. He was so broken. I broke him. I broke the most important thing in my life. And he kept yelling about how no one loves him, and no one ever feels butterflies when they see him, or feel like they can't even move when they lock eye contact with him, but mum, I do! I do all of those things and more and I had to act like I didn't! I had to watch his face as I shattered his heart!"

I felt my heart ache and scream at me for just standing here, letting Louis cry so painfully. It was yelling at me to run up to him and wrap him into my arms. Give him all of my comfort. Completely hide him from this dark world that doesn't deserve a thing as perfect as he is. A ray of sunshine as bright as he is. The world doesn't deserve any of it, because you know what it does with something so pure? It tarnishes it. It creates this odious goal to blacken one of the few things still shining in this world. I know because I am one of those things. And if it wasn't for Louis, I wouldn't still be one.

So I listened.

For once in my life, I listened to my heart.

I ran away from the tree I had been hiding behind, and towards the most perfect soul I had ever met. He was still crying in distress to his mom, his back staring at me as he ran his hands through his hair.

Once I had finally gotten to him, I grabbed him as tightly as I could. Wrapping my entire body around his smaller one. Engulfing every perfect part of him. I heard him let out an "oof" in surprise at my attack. He jumped a bit in my hold but it didn't take him long to realize who it was.

I was holding onto him so tightly then. I was almost terrified that if I let go, I would watch the last ray of light leave his eyes, so I wasn't going to let go, not ever. I was going to use all of my strength to keep him in my hold, hoarding every part of his light and making sure no one could steal it away from us. Because God knows the world would go pitch black if Louis's light was hidden from it.

I was hugging him from behind so to hug me back, he wrapped his hands around my wrists which were crossed around his chest, squeezing onto him with an extreme amount of force. I nuzzled my face deep into his neck and felt as his hands embraced my wrists with so much warmth. I had missed those hands, even though it had only been a night since I last had them to myself.

I felt him squirm in my grasp as he turned around. He took a hold of my arms and straightened them so I was looking into his glassy eyes. I broke down the instant my eyes made contact with his. I felt unworthy of his look. He was too perfect, and I was scarred, dirty, tarnished. I wasn't good enough for him, but he still loved me. Somehow he looked past all of my flaws that sometimes I find myself struggling to look past, and he embraced them and for once made me feel good about them.

"Harry?" I watched as he broke down the instant his mouth uttered those words.

He melted in my arms as his sobs became uncontrollable, which only evoked mine. I held onto the precious little thing in my arms as I realized how much I had missed him. How can one person control your life to the point that every thought you have encircles their existence. So much so that if you go even 12 hours without seeing them, your physical health plummets and you feel deprived of your body's basic necessities. You feel like something is missing, and not just something, but everything. You feel like you've been living on 1% for the past year and you start to wonder how much longer your body can go on like this. It seems so over dramatic I know, but it's all real. And it's so painful. When you love someone, it's the most beautiful and most dangerous notion you can ever live through. And because of that, so many people are scared of it. They're scared to open up their hearts and to be able to go up to that one person in their life and explain to them just how much they mean to them. And from this dilemma, soulmates never meet, and Cupid has to watch with a broken heart as two of his creations just keep getting farther and farther away from each other.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now